Watershed Public Theatre
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P.O. Box 441
Columbia, TN 38402
Organization Details



At Watershed Public Theatre, we believe that theatre is the ultimate collaborative art and work to bring together arts professionals, volunteers, students and patrons to share in the illumination that only live performance can provide. We maintain our focus on nurturing community and practicing social and environmental responsibility while striving for the highest quality of artistic and educational experiences.


The word 'watershed' has two meanings - 1) an area leading to a body of water, such as the Duck River Watershed located in Middle Tennessee; and 2) a turning point or pivotal moment, such as the moment one may experience when bitten by the theatre bug. One such watershed moment occurred when a mentor suggested to Kate Foreman that she should start a professional theatre in her hometown of Columbia, Tennessee. The idea started to come to life when Kate registered the name Watershed Public Theatre in fall of 2014. By fall 2016, the initial board of directors was formed, bylaws adopted, and plans begun for the first production - A Victorian Christmas Carol with Charles Dickens. That first professional production was a success, with incredibly positive feedback from audiences, actors and other contributors. Many suggested that Maury County and Southern Middle Tennessee are definitely ready for more professional theatre options closer to home. Our goal is to continue to provide quality theatre and professional opportunities for theatre artists, always keeping an eye towards the needs and desires of our community.


Since beginning in December 2016, we have successfully produced multiple full-stage productions and hosted several fundraising and outreach events. We have established a presence in Columbia and Maury County as the only professional theatre in Southern Middle Tennessee.
Our educational programming began in May 2018 by offering workshops to teens and adults, and will continue to grow each year. In addition to the growing Journeyman Troupe theatre training program, we operate an afterschool theatre arts program in partnership with the Boys & Girls Club of South Central Tennessee. We have original projects that will be developed throughout the season, including original short plays focused on significant historical figures and events relating to Maury County. Through these programs we provide both entertainment and cultural enrichment to our community while offering employment to local and regional artists. Our core goals are to enrich our community and draw more artists to our area.

To date, we have provided more than 300 creative work opportunities to Middle Tennessee artists. Nearly 70% of our budget is dedicated to artist pay and the greater majority (nearly 90%) of our spending remains in Middle Tennessee, contributing to local economies. We are active members of Maury Chamber and Economic Alliance and Tennesseans for the Arts and regularly advocate for local arts programs. We also contribute arts experiences to schools; our fall productions have been performed for more than 2,000 students from Maury, Lewis, Lawrence and Marshall Counties.


1. We are seeking business sponsors to help financially support our productions and educational programs, ranging from $250 to $1,500+.
2. We need business consultants, especially in the areas of strategic planning, development and marketing, to help ensure the long-term strength of our organization. This could be in the form of a specifically funded donation, sponsorship, or skilled volunteer.
3. We need recurring donors willing to pledge donations to our annual operating budget.
4. We welcome volunteers in all areas of theatre production - ushers, set building, costumes, chorus members, et cetera.
5. We welcome energetic business leaders and artists, especially those in Maury County and surrounding counties, who want to serve on our all-volunteer working board.

CEO Statement

As the first professional theatre in Maury County, we offer unique opportunities, both for professional theatre artists seeking employment and for audiences seeking more culture and entertainment options closer to home. With all the programming and events that we produce, we keep the needs and desires of our community at the forefront. We strive to be accessible to all of the Southern Middle Tennessee community, helping to enrich culture and education where we work and live.

Board Chair Statement

We are a young organization, having been in full operation since September 2016. In that short time, we have presented multiple theatrical productions and outreach events to the community, all of which were successes. Event attendees had overwhelmingly positive feedback about the quality of our events. Our small but dedicated board of directors has worked diligently to ensure the success of our events and to plan for future productions. Additionally, we have closed our first four full-operation fiscal years with surpluses, which helps to springboard our current year of production. The challenges we face are typical to many young organizations. While we have garnered great publicity from our events thus far, we still have a long way to go for regular name recognition in the community. Without a long financial or producing history, we do not yet qualify for many grants, and our current donor base is small. Funding will remain a challenge over the next few years as we work to build audiences and supporters and become a household name in the community.

Service Categories

Primary Category: Arts, Culture & Humanities  - Theater 
Secondary Category: Arts, Culture & Humanities  - Performing Arts 
Tertiary Category: Arts, Culture & Humanities  - Arts Education 

Areas Served

We operate in Columbia, Maury County, Tennessee. We strive to serve all of Maury County and, as resources allow, the counties surrounding us - Lewis, Lawrence, Giles, Marshall, Williamson and Hickman Counties.

TN - Lewis
TN - Lawrence
TN - Williamson
TN - Marshall
TN - Maury
TN - Giles
TN - Hickman