Workers' Dignity Project / Dignidad Obrera
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335 Whitsett Road
Nashville, TN 37210
Organization Details

Executive Director

Executive Director Ms. Cecilia Prado
Term Start December 2019
Cecilia's Experience: Cecilia is a big picture thinker who approaches problems with an interdisciplinary lens. Before joining Workers' Dignity, she led the Public Education efforts at Sanctuary in the Streets, a volunteer network with over 3000 members offering rapid response services and campaign support for the Pioneer Valley Workers Center (PVWC), a James Beard Leadership Award winning worker center that builds power among farm and restaurant workers in Western Massachusetts. Cecilia was a strategist in the PVWC campaign to pass the Work and Family Mobility Act, a bill to allow undocumented immigrants to apply for Massachusetts driver's licenses. The campaign moved 150 businesses, two mayors and one Chamber of Commerce to publicly endorse the bill.

In August 2019, Cecilia joined the rapid response mobilization to Mississippi after the massive ICE raids on poultry plants. She helped coordinate emerging immigrant-centered community groups in towns directly impacted by ICE violence. Her passion for immigrant and worker rights surged from her own experience as a Mexican immigrant and from her deep ties to her community. In the past, she has worked as an educator, interpreter and translator. As an Amherst College researcher in the sciences, she had participated in initiatives to improve science education and communication at UMass Amherst, Amherst College, and Yale University.

In the first month she started, she helped push Workers' Dignity over the top in our $40,000 end-of-year fund drive in December, has held several dozen one-on-one meetings with members, and has stepped into our Commercial Construction Worker Organizing Campaign as lead organizer and strategist. Since March 2020, Cecilia has facilitated membership and staff's organizing response to the tornadoes and the pandemic. Amidst ongoing public health and economic crises, she has held biweekly worker organizing committee meetings and more doubled the size of our membership.


Full Time Staff 7
Part Time Staff 0
Volunteers 250
Contractors 1
Retention Rate 100%

Plans & Policies

Does your organization have a Fundraising Plan? Yes
Does your organization have a Strategic Plan? Under Development
Years Strategic Plan Considers 4
When was the Strategic Plan adopted?
Does your organization have a Management Succession Plan? Yes
Does your organization have a Policy and Procedure Plan? Yes
Does the organization have a Nondiscrimination Policy? Yes
Does the organization have a Whistle Blower Policy? Yes
Does the organization have a Document Destruction Policy? Yes


Is there a formal evaluation for... Frequency (if applicable)
CEO/Executive Director Yes Annually
Senior Management Yes Semi-Annually
Non-Management Yes Semi-Annually


Affiliation Year
Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition 2010


Award / Recognition Organization Year
Emerging Youth Leader - Brenda Perez Tennessee Alliance for Progress 2014
Faith Works Award - Mario Mercado Interfaith Worker Justice 2015
Long Haul Award - Mariana Lopez Tennessee Alliance for Progress 2012
Southern Regional Conference Recognition National Lawyers Guild 2013