Rochelle Center
615-254-0673 ext. 223
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1020 Southside Court
Nashville, TN 37203
Organization Details



To offer meaningful opportunities to adults with disabilities and their families. We promise to: Deliver excellent services to you with the highest levels of professional integrityTreat you with dignity and respectProvide rich opportunities for your personal growthSupport the needs of your familiesRespect your diversity and differencesAdvocate for our inclusion in the communityEncourage you to make choicesListen to you and all who contribute to helping achieve your goals. Help you enjoy the rights and privileges due to you as part of your individual freedom


In 1968, long time area educator W.R. Rochelle, began the foundation for a nonprofit agency located in the heart of Nashville to offer supports for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. These supports would enhance the skills necessary for these individuals to become as independent as possible as members of our communities. Today's Rochelle Center continues that Mission. The community based day programs provide a variety of experience that promote employment and participation in our community. Families and caregivers are comforted knowing that their loved ones are well cared for and engaged in a productive, active and safe supportive environment. Our programs currently include: Employment: Assist clients to focus on the development of individual and specific skills that will support them in pursuing and achieving employment. Community Day Program: Community integration is a main focus with day trips to area museums and volunteer opportunities. Individuals thrive in this atmosphere while enjoying activities, social interaction, community outings and special celebrations. Community Supported Living: Currently Rochelle Center provides Community Supported Living opportunities in nine residences in the Nashville area. With the assistance of Companions, individuals served develop skills of daily living and independence, while being active members of our community.


Accomplishments: 1. Full implementation of the HCBS Settings Rule effective 07/01/2017. 2.Strategically moved from large passenger vehicles to smaller cars and vans to easily navigate our community. Goals: 1. Build our census through the Employment and Community First Wavier. 2. Transition to paperless data collection. 3. Build our Supported Living network throughout the Nashville Community while keeping the expenses of those supported affordable to allow them to participate in community activities.

Service Categories

Primary Category: Human Services  - Developmentally Disabled Services/Centers 
Secondary Category: Employment  - Employment Preparation & Procurement 
Tertiary Category: Housing, Shelter  -  

Areas Served

TN - Davidson