Jobs for Tennessee Graduates Inc.
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6 S. 14th St.
Nashville, TN 37206
Organization Details


Jobs for Tennessee Graduates (JTG), an affiliate of Jobs of America's Graduates (JAG), is a non-profit organization dedicated to stewarding at-risk high school students toward graduation with follow through toward post-secondary education and/or job opportunities. Associated with JAG since 1981, JTG consistently obtains a graduation rate above 90-percent with 2015's graduation rate 98%. JTG Specialists teach the JAG model program during a student's senior year, then add a 12-month follow up to ensure success after high school. These Specialists help teach students skills for the workforce including: resume writing, job interview skills, financial responsibility, dress etiquette and leadership. Since 2013, diverse funding sources (school districts, regional nonprofits and businesses including HCA, AT&T and Archer Daniels Midland) have allowed JTG to thrive in 18 high schools. In 2014 JTG was approved as a 501c3 nonprofit which includes a high-level board of directors.
Employment  - Youth Job Training & Employment 
Young Adults
At-risk youth
Program Areas Served

CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments

JTG is making an effort to reach students earlier with the implementation of a 9th grad pilot program in Hickman County. JTG Specialist Rob Mitchell along with CTE Director Don Qualls have taken the TDOE's College and Career Exploration program and enhanced it with a more detailed curriculum. In the 12th grade, Mitchell will re-engage (though he sees the students every day) with the at-risk population to continue the students' quest to become college and career ready. This pilot program will further challenge students about what their future could look like.