Tennessee Lions Charities Inc
615-690-8644 ext. 222
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505 Fesslers Ln
Nashville, TN 37210
Organization Details


Trained volunteers conduct eye screenings of young children to identify, for treatment, potential vision problems. Screenings are conducted at Head Start programs, day care centers, kindergartens, and other locations where children are supervised on a regular basis. Findings are interpreted by medical professionals and parents are notified of results. Our program consists of three interdependent parts: an organizational structure, field protocol governing the use of the screening instrument, and assured follow-up. Once treated, the cognitive, social and emotional aspects of the child will vastly improve. Early identification and professional vision care of young children can allow them to begin school with good sight and the opportunity to learn up to their potential.
Program Areas Served

CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments

Tennessee Lions Charities provides vision screenings for children ages 12 months to 72 months. We are funded by grants from foundations, corporations, individuals, and local Lions Clubs from across the state. Trained volunteers schedule and conduct the screenings; the findings are interpreted by medical professionals. Screenings are at no cost. Parents are notified of the results, and provided with a listing of area vision care specialist. Our follow-up coordinator provides assistance in arranging appointments where necessary. Strong emphasis is placed on ensuring those children identified as needing treatment are scheduled for professional evaluation. We remain fully committed to early vision care; recognizing if left untreated the more likely a problem will become permanent leading to learning and reading difficulties, impact on eye-hand coordination, and result in a lifetime of low vision or even blindness.