Rutherford Arts Alliance
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1809 Memorial Blvd
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Organization Details
We are an independent, nonprofit advocacy group created to identify, unite, and promote arts, culture, and heritage throughout Rutherford County, Tennessee. Founded as a 501c3 in late 2018, our mission is to; Advocate for all aspects of our cultural community, promote Rutherford County as a cultural and heritage community and destination; Communicate the social and economic impact of the arts; Create opportunities for networking, collaboration, education, and economic success.
Simple Smyrna Celebration event booth
International Folkfest - Mexican Dance Troupe
Rutherford Cable Athena Awards 2024
Gallery Show at City Hall-winner Ray Kleinlein
SO Kid Lit Festival
Suffragists display at Sam Davis Home
Party of Twelve play - Sarah
Party of Twelve-Mary Kate
What type of in-kind donations do you accept and when are these donations most helpful?
supplies for art (canvases, paint brushes, sculpting supplies); music supplies (instruments)
In addition to funding, how can someone support your organization?
technical assistance, free legal advice, volunteer hours, secretarial help, development expertise, marketing

Organization Information
Find Volunteer Opportunities
Executive Director/CEO
Jeff Lysyczyn
Board Chair
Susan Gulley
Year of Incorporation