Tennessee Returned Peace Corps Volunteers
Share page
1431 Sumner Avenue
Nashville, TN 37206
Organization Details

Executive Director

Executive Director Mr. Ben Griffin
E-mail president@tnrpcv.org
Term Start January 2023
Ben's Experience: 501(c)(3) acquisition, Project coordination, Event logistics/planning, budgeting, grant writing & administration, volunteer management, teaching, communications, economic analysis, public policy, political campaigns, spatial analysis, CMS web design, My EMMA, MailChimp, social networking PR, GIS, strategic planning & facilitation.


Full Time Staff 0
Part Time Staff 0
Volunteers 100
Contractors 0
Retention Rate 75%

Plans & Policies

Does your organization have a Fundraising Plan? Yes
Does your organization have a Strategic Plan? Yes
Years Strategic Plan Considers 10
When was the Strategic Plan adopted? December 2018
Does your organization have a Management Succession Plan? Yes
Does your organization have a Policy and Procedure Plan? Yes
Does the organization have a Nondiscrimination Policy? Yes
Does the organization have a Whistle Blower Policy? No
Does the organization have a Document Destruction Policy? No


Is there a formal evaluation for... Frequency (if applicable)
CEO/Executive Director No N/A
Senior Management No N/A
Non-Management No N/A


Award / Recognition Organization Year
Peace Corps Connect Co-Host National Peace Corps Association 2014
Southeastern Peace Corps Expo Co-host National Peace Corps Association 2012