Cumberland Community Options
615-467-0463 ext. 201
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322 Emery Drive
Nashville, TN 37214
Organization Details



The mission of Cumberland Community Options is to assist people with intellectual disabilities and/or related disabilities to experience a lifestyle that is meaningful and provides opportunities in the community of their choosing. CCO believes people with disabilities should be afforded opportunities to play valuable roles in their communities and supports their efforts to participate. Cumberland Community Options believes each individual has a right to express his/her wants and needs and to be assisted in having them fulfilled.


CCO provides residential supports in a unique way. A person who does not have a disability is matched with a person who does and supports are built around the person. The staff and individual share a home and integrate one another's lives. Many of the individuals supported by CCO have family involvement. Families participate at varying levels. More than 50% of our board is comprised of family members that have entrusted CCO to care for their children.


CCO participated in community fundraising for the first time in 2016 and had a very successful start. It has been a learning process and we appreciate all the support we have received. Thank you for supporting us and believing in us. As funding and service challenges exist for the small guy, we will continue in our fundraising efforts and continue to learn and network. CCO continues to strive to support people to live their dreams and have lives not burden by overly formal approaches that eliminate client choice.


CCO has important success stories that support providing specialized and companion-based residential supports. We are committed to efforts that maximize a persons potential to have a meaningful life. 1. We are a small agency, with limited resources. We firmly believe in the importance of personalized care. We would like to be able to maintain special needs supports. 2. We would like to compensate employees more and to provide additional incentive, training opportunities, and access to community activities.3. We continue to explore additional ways to support the needs of people with disabilities and generate avenues for additional revenue. The straight revenue basis is no longer a sufficient method of supporting high quality and personalized care. 3. We would like to continue to maintain a small-family based atmosphere and still offer all community options to the individuals we support.

CEO Statement

CCO believes that all people, regardless of disability should be provided supports to enhance their access to the things so many of us take for granted. We strive to create an environment that enhances a person's life and allows them to thrive. We all need support and relationships in our life. This is sometimes taken for granted by those of us without disabilities and we forget the importance of meaningful human connections and opportunities. CCO continues to focus on the needs of the individual and strives to support them in achieving goals that they find meaningful. We believe that people help us and we help people. #ccohelps

Board Chair Statement

Cumberland Community Options is a small agency that is committed to assisting those we serve to live in dignity with an environment that provides happiness and joy. As a parent of two children with disabilities, being a member of the CCO board allows me to know the supports available to my children are also available to other parents who have raised children with disabilities. My experience as a manager and trainer enables me to ensure the agency can provide the appropriate care and assistance to the clients we serve.

Service Categories

Primary Category: Human Services  - Human Services 
Secondary Category: Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy  - Civil Rights 
Tertiary Category: Employment  -  

Areas Served

Primarily Davidson County. We reach slightly into Williamson and will consider providing services in the Northern part of Williamson County. We are always open to discussion about providing needed services in other immediately surrounding counties.

TN - Williamson
TN - Davidson