Goodlettsville Help Center
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108 Depot Street
Goodlettsville, TN 37072
Organization Details


GHC provides food assistance for residents of ZIP code 37072. Based on need, families may receive up to 6 full food orders (2-3 weeks' worth of food based on family size) and 3 half orders within a six-month period. Additional food can be provided in extraordinary circumstances. Transients receive 2-3 days' worth of ready-to-eat food. Thanks to long-standing community partnerships, nutritious food boxes are made possible by in-kind donations from individuals, corporate donors and restaurants and food drives by churches and businesses. GHC also provides financial support to two Meals-on-Wheels programs that provide a hot meal twice weekly to elderly and disabled individuals in our service area.
Food, Agriculture & Nutrition  - Food, Agriculture & Nutrition, General/Other 
Elderly and/or Disabled
Program Areas Served
Treasure Hunters' Thrift Store in Goodlettsville Plaza offers a wide variety of basic household items, clothing, books, toys and collectibles at very reasonable prices. In addition to providing an important resource to help working families stretch their budgets, it generates financial resources that help GHC provide crucial financial assistance for those we serve. Treasure Hunters' also plays an important role in helping Goodlettsville Help Center increase awareness of those in need in our community, the programs we provide to address those needs, and the many ways those in our community can become involved in helping GHC meet those needs.

Treasure Hunters' is open Monday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
General Public
Program Areas Served
GHC provides emergency financial assistance in the following categories: 125.00 annually towards utility (electric, gas, water--NO telephone assistance provided). Client must have a past-due bill amount that they can't meet. GHC makes a pledge with the utility company and sends a check via USPS--no cash or check is given to the client. 75.00 annually towards transportation assistance which takes the form of gas vouchers that can be redeemed at a local gas station that partners with GHC--clients with doctor's appointments, job interviews, or lack of resources to get to an existing job can receive assistance in this category with verification. 75.00 annually for medical prescription assistance. GHC partners with all local pharmacies. Emergency lodging at a local motel is provided to residents with an emergency situation, transient situation, or domestic upheaval situation. GHC has a billing arrangement with this motel and no cash or check is given to clients.We also will help with teeth extraction in an emergency situation and in some cases, will help a client obtain eyeglasses.ALL CLIENTS MUST PROVIDE VARIOUS DOCUMENTATION AND/OR INCOME VERIFICATION TO QUALIFY FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE.
Program Areas Served

CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments

Due to the consistent increase in demand for assistance in all areas and the age of our current facilities, we are excited about embarking on a plan to remodel/expand our food pantry to better serve our clients and to make our client waiting area and in-take office more comfortable and user-friendly. With the steady increase in electrical rates we are seeing a likewise steady increase in requests for assistance with electric bills--our current budget allows us to provide past-due utility assistance to residents of Goodlettsville however, we would like to expand this program to provide this type of assistance to other residents within our Davidson County service area.