Restore Small Groups
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326 21st Ave North Suite 201
Nashville, TN 37203
Organization Details


Journey to Wholeness is a 9-week small group process that brings emotional and spiritual healing to those in any stage of the breast cancer journey helping them to process the grief and loss of their diagnosis, their hope for well-being and make goals to move forward into a new life.
Women and girls
People/Families of People with Cancer
Long-term Success
Journey to Wholeness allows participants to work through the stages of grief, gain support from a community of shared experience, define a new normal for life, forgive themselves and others, discuss body and intimacy issues, increase emotional awareness, and find hope.
Program Areas Served
Middle Tennessee
This program is a one-on-one mentoring program. Scott Reall, Restore's founder is available to help mentor people from our group process and from the community in their own personal change process. Scott assists with recovery, grief processing, co-dependency, spiritual direction and other needs. This is not professional therapy. If needed, Scott will also help connect clients to other community resources to get the help they need.
General Public
People with substance use disorder
Program Areas Served
United States
Journey to Living with Courage is an 8-week group process that addresses both our daily fears of life as well as unprocessed fears that may be causing anxiety in our everyday lives. Fear is a part of everyone's story and is an inevitable part of our lives. The uncertainty of today's world can be hard to manage alone. Yet fear can be a healthy part of our full emotional life by keeping us from making bad decisions and from getting hurt. But what happens when occasional fear turns to underlying worry and anxiety, robbing us of joy and peace? This group encourages you to acknowledge, expose and explore those persistent fears and the life experiences that inform them so that you can find a sense of security, embrace your innate courage, and move forward with hope.

Mental Health & Crisis Intervention  - Peer Counseling 
US& International
Long-term Success
In Journey to Living with Courage participants will:
• Learn how to identify healthy versus life-controlling fear
• Develop the tools to identify and overcome rage and anxiety
• Be encouraged to live boldly in the light of who you truly are
• Build a life of faith, surrender, passion and courage

Program Areas Served
United States/International
JOURNEY TO A LIFE OF SIGNIFICANCE is an 8-week group process that helps participants heal from the wounding of low self-worth. Participants may believe the lie that they will never be good enough, and so they strive to earn the love they long for and need. This curriculum encourages honest self-reflection and movement toward acknowledging the inherent goodness and uniqueness God has placed in everyone. This group uncovers and examines the deeply rooted internal messages that hold participants back from believing they are worthy, beloved or acceptable and builds a platform of self-worth to stand on that will positively impact all areas of their lives.

General Public
US& International
Long-term Success
In Journey to a Life of Significance, participants will learn to:
• Uncover the ways low self-worth is impacting their life and re-define who they are
• Identify their unique gifts, talents and potential
• Build a new foundation of self-compassion by discovering their inherent worth
Program Areas Served
United States/International
JOURNEY TO FREEDOM is an 8-week contemplative journey to help group participants understand their personal story and inner life more fully and compassionately. This group will guide participants through the stages needed for internal transformation, and allow them to find their own path toward emotional, spiritual and physical well-being. This curricula is available in English and Spanish.

In Journey to Freedom participants learn about:
• Understanding the true nature of hope
• Recognizing and responding in a healthy way to your feelings
• Experiencing God's presence
• Silencing the inner critic, learning self-love and overcoming toxic shame
• Identifying healthy relationships
• Grieving unresolved and unspoken loss and disappointment
• Healing the past and seeing new possibilities for the future
• Finding connection and universality
• Developing a new perspective
General Public
US& International
Long-term Success
In Journey to Freedom participants will learn about:
• Understanding the true nature of hope
• Recognizing and responding in a healthy way to your feelings
• Experiencing God's presence
• Silencing the inner critic, learning self-love and overcoming toxic shame
• Identifying healthy relationships
• Grieving unresolved and unspoken loss and disappointment
• Healing the past and seeing new possibilities for the future
• Finding connection and universality
• Developing a new perspective
Program Areas Served
United States/International
JOURNEY TO HEALTHY LIVING is an 8-week group process to help participants have a loving, healthy relationship with their bodies. With current culture often encouraging unrealistic goals for fitness, body image, and diet, it can be hard to a find balanced well-being that works long-term. Participants may be struggling with food attraction or aversion, healthy food choices, or practicing physical activity, self care, and stress management. And these struggles can lead to negative self-messages and feelings of toxic shame.
General Public
US& International
Long-term Success
Journey to Healthy Living will help participants:
• Contemplate and identify their unique needs and find their ideal health routine
• Understand the origins of their relationship to food and how that impacts their current life
• Contemplate what a healthy body looks and feels like
• Appreciate the physical body that is not separate from, but very much a part of their spiritual and emotional identity
Program Areas Served
United States/International
JOURNEY TO A NEW BEGINNING AFTER LOSS helps heal the unacknowledged losses and disappointments in your life. From birth, you experience deeply profound losses that shape your story and circumstances. Your life is impacted by grief through intangible losses like unrealized dreams, unmet expectations, loss of innocence, trust, belonging, and self-worth. Or through tangible losses like finances, health, work, relationships, community, or death. This group allows you to truly grieve these losses, past losses and let go of lingering regret and resentment. This curriculum is available in English and Spanish.
General Public
US& International
Long-term Success
In Journey to a New Beginning After Loss, you will be given the tools to:
• Process the sadness, anger, resentment and loneliness associated with loss both past and present
• Identify losses that have accumulated throughout the years and need resolution
• Give yourself permission to walk through the stages of grief for any loss that impacted your life
• Understand what forgiveness and acceptance truly mean for you
Program Areas Served
United States/International

CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments

In 2022, we plan to begin an overall revision of our program materials, beginning with our foundational program, Journey to Freedom. Fundamentally, the concepts of the program will remain the same. However, since the first edition in 2005, we have grown and learned much more in the areas of addressing toxic shame, processing grief and loss, changing perspective, and trauma. These concepts themselves are ever evolving in the therapeutic world and we want to reflect the most current information. Also, we want to make sure the materials reflect the most inclusive approach for our participants. We are also trying a new approach this year with programming, particularly with Journey to Freedom by offering the group for specific populations such as those struggling with chronic illness, depression and anxiety, covid recovery (for example). In this way, we hope to make Journey to Freedom more accessible and approachable for those in need.