Residential Resources, Inc.
Share page
604 Gallatin Avenue Suite 103
Nashville, TN 37206
Organization Details

Executive Director

Executive Director Mrs. Rosalind Robinson
Term Start October 1997
Rosalind's Experience: The executive director has over 35 years of experience in affordable housing beginning with Neighborhood Reinvestment Institute (NeighborWorks), and over 20 years as an Executive Director for HUD certified Housing Counseling Agencies.


Full Time Staff 2
Part Time Staff 2
Volunteers 0
Contractors 1
Retention Rate 100%

Plans & Policies

Does your organization have a Fundraising Plan? No
Does your organization have a Strategic Plan? Yes
Years Strategic Plan Considers 10
When was the Strategic Plan adopted? June 2017
Does your organization have a Management Succession Plan? No
Does your organization have a Policy and Procedure Plan? Yes
Does the organization have a Nondiscrimination Policy? Yes
Does the organization have a Whistle Blower Policy?
Does the organization have a Document Destruction Policy?


Is there a formal evaluation for... Frequency (if applicable)
CEO/Executive Director Yes Annually
Senior Management N/A N/A
Non-Management Yes Annually

External Assessments and Accreditations

Assessment/Accreditation Year
US Department of Housing and Urban Development 1998


Award / Recognition Organization Year
Outstanding Homebuyer Education Tennessee Housing Development Agency 2017
Outstanding Homebuyer Education Tennessee Housing Development Agency 2014
Outstanding Homebuyer Education Tennessee Housing Development Agency 2015
Outstanding Homebuyer Education Tennessee Housing Development Agency 2016
Outstanding Homebuyer Education Tennessee Housing Development Agency 2013
Vicki George Award for Excellence in Homebuyer Education Tennessee Housing Development Agency 2016

CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments

Due to a decrease in funding there will not continue to be a sufficient number of qualified professionals for our various programs. Although short term, it was a tremendous relief to not only me, but to the other staff who helped carry a sometime overwhelming load. I'm challenged to assure that funding remains in place for their retention and to find another location suitable to our needs.