Nashville State Community College Foundation
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120 White Bridge Road
Nashville, TN 37209
Organization Details


The NSCC Foundation is committed to holistically addressing the needs of our student population and their families in order to promote student success. Because academic momentum and credit accumulation are key predictors of degree attainment, and because degree attainment is a key predictor of upward economic mobility that helps to disrupt intergenerational poverty, the NSCC Foundation has developed the Beyond Financial Aid (BFA) initiative which proactively bridges resource gaps to keep students from dropping out of school. Our current work within the BFA initiative includes textbook, transportation, childcare, and nutrition assistance programs, as well as a Helping Hand Fund that provides short-term financial relief to students in crisis.
Education  - Student Financial Aid 
Economically disadvantaged people
Program Areas Served
While free tuition is available for many community college students through Tennessee Promise and Tennessee Reconnect, the NSCC Foundation continues to provide vital financial support for students across a wide variety of academic programs (including those who might not qualify for Promise or Reconnect due to their age). NSCCF oversees a number of endowed scholarships and also raises annual scholarship support from individuals, organizations, corporations, and private foundations whose philanthropic priorities align with the College's mission and/or study in specific degree programs.
Program Areas Served
The NSCC Foundation solicits support from individuals, businesses, and organizations that benefit from strengthening the College's academic programs. Community colleges have the flexibility to create, re-structure, or refine academic programs to address current industry employment needs. Area organizations that partner with the College have the opportunity to influence curriculum so that our students are equipped with the most up-to-date skills necessary for being successful workforce contributors and that the partnering organization's future employment needs are met.
Program Areas Served

CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments

Nashville / Davidson County is facing significant challenges in terms of poverty, unemployment, and education, especially within communities of color. Many low-income area residents are eager to improve their job prospects and Middle Tennessee has numerous jobs available, especially in technology, hospitality, and healthcare. Nashville State provides specialized training in all of these fields for a low cost and on a short timeline so that students can complete their educations and get to work sooner.

Recent educational initiatives such as Tennessee Promise and Tennessee Reconnect have helped to make college more affordable for both high school students and adults, but there is still much work to be done to address the hidden costs of attending college. Foundation staff work with members of the College's administration, faculty, and staff to determine what needs are most critical in order to focus on initiatives that support improved student retention and graduation rates. We also provide financial assistance to students from specific populations and/or degree programs, as directed by donors, and we provide faculty and staff grant assistance for projects that enhance student experiences outside the traditional classroom environment.