100 Black Men of Middle Tennessee
Youth Development
To nurture and enhance the growth, development and opportunities for young Black males of Middle Tennessee.
100 Club of Sumner County Inc.
Human Services
The mission of The 100 Club of Sumner County is to help provide for the surviving spouse and dependents of Police Officers, Firefighters and EMTs who lose their lives in the line of duty in Sumner County.
15th Judicial District Child Advocacy Center
Human Services
Our mission is 'To reduce the trauma of child abuse and facilitate the healing process.' This is accomplished by utilizing a Child Advocacy Center (CAC) method of abuse investigation. To reduce the trauma of child abuse a child is interviewed one time by a trained forensic interviewer. The child is interviewed in a child-friendly environment which also helps to reduce the trauma to the child.
16:10 Now & Then, Inc
Human Services
Our mission is to inspire youth and young adults to strive for better lives by providing the encouragement, knowledge and understanding needed to become self-sufficient.
21st District Recovery Court Inc.
Human Services
The mission of the 21st District Recovery Court is to provide the 21st Judicial District a non-adversarial, cost-effective treatment alternative to traditional sentencing for non-violent offenders whose crimes result from drug or alcohol addition.
23rd District Judicial Advocates, Inc.
Housing & Shelter
The 23rd District Judicial Advocates, Inc. serves the needs of citizens who find themselves negotiating the complicated maze of the criminal justice system, the juvenile justice system, or those who stand on the threshold of such involvement, and who need physical and/or financial support. Emphasis is placed on assisting with services promptly when required, and to seek long-term solutions to chronic problems such as alcohol and drug addicition while assisting individuals and their families to live outside the justice system.
37150 Community Center Inc
Arts & Culture
37150 Community Center shall be a safe have for the community; focusing on the youth and senior citizens. The corp shall provide educational programming in the following areas: arts, STEM, workforce readiness, recreation, & wellness.
4:13 Strong, Inc.
Human Services
To break the cycle of poverty, crime and dependency by providing faith-based educational, vocational, and life skills training.
431 Ministries, Inc
Human Services
431 Ministries offers women who have been through hardship an opportunity to develop hope and a plan for an independent future. "Hardship" - This includes women in widowhood, with grief experience, after the loss of a spouse to divorce, through single motherhood, after relational abuse/abandonment, in post-sobriety, and in a place of uncertainty. "Hope and a plan" - Being in community with others who are walking the same journey; learning to face the past to find restoration, and having the skills to not fall back into crisis. "Independent future" - Living confidently on their own but not by themselves; they'll have an ongoing community to support and encourage them through whatever they'll face.
917 Society
Education (excluding Colleges/Universities)
To impress upon students the relevance and practicality gained through an understanding of the U.S. Constitution. Our mission is to provide a free program to schools to celebrate Constitution Day on September 17th with a commemorative keepsake U.S. Constitution for each student. Also, a website for teachers and student to support and supplement education about the State and U.S. Constitutions with free lesson plans, videos, games, quizzes and tools they can use in the classroom. We also have a classroom contest where we provide $200 gift cards to out top ten winners that send in their pictures and videos for Constitution Day. For 2024 we are expanding the contest to Top Twenty and offering a scholarship program.
A Better Balance
Human Services
A Better Balance uses the power of the law to advance justice for workers, so they can care for themselves and their loved ones without jeopardizing their economic security. Our expert legal team combats discrimination against pregnant workers and caregivers and advances supportive policies like paid sick time, paid family and medical leave, fair scheduling, and accessible, quality childcare and eldercare. When we value the work of providing care, which has long been marginalized due to sexism and racism, our communities and our nation are healthier and stronger.
A S Collective Corp
Youth Development
Bringing inspiration and innovation to every community as A SOUND COLLECTIVE.
A Secret Safe Place for Newborns of Tennessee Inc
Human Services
The mission of A Secret Safe Place for Newborns of Tennessee is to protect the most defenseless among us, newborn infants, by educating and informing women and communities about safe, secret options under the Safe Haven Law. Our vision is to save lives by increasing the safe surrender and eliminating the unsafe abandonment of newborns in every community of our state.
A Soldier's Child Inc.
Community Improvement
Our mission is to serve the children of military personnel who have lost their lives on active duty while defending the United States of America. ASC has three points of service for the children of our fallen: birthday celebrations, mentorship programs/camps, and college scholarships. Our vision is to grow nationally, becoming a household name as the gold standard for our Gold Star families. Providing an opportunity for lifelong touch-points so that ASC recipients will say it is an honor to be A Soldier's Child.
A Step Ahead Foundation of Middle Tennessee Inc.
Human Services
Mission: A Step Ahead of Middle Tennessee prevents unplanned pregnancies by providing education about and access to free long-acting reversible contraception (LARC). Vision: A Step Ahead Foundation of Middle Tennessee improves educational, economic, and health outcomes for women and their children in Middle Tennessee. By providing access to long-acting reversible contraception (LARC), the most effective reversible methods of birth control, we hope to increase positive pregnancy outcomes for both the mother and the child, lower infant mortality, and improve family life. We hope to reduce economic strain and encourage career opportunities before child birth. We provide a means for women to plan each child and every step of her life through education and long-acting reversible contraception (LARC).