Echoes of Hope Inc
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4636 Lebanon Pike #374
Hermitage, TN 37076
Organization Details

Executive Director

Executive Director Ms. Karynthia Phillips
Term Start April 2016
Karynthia's Experience: Karynthia Phillips is a license health care provider with nearly 2 decades of practicing family medicine as a physician assistant , greater 30 years a clergy and greater than 5 years breast cancer survival with a host of experience serving in civic organizations and the religious community.


Full Time Staff 0
Part Time Staff 1
Volunteers 45
Contractors 1
Retention Rate 100%

Plans & Policies

Does your organization have a Fundraising Plan? Yes
Does your organization have a Strategic Plan? Yes
Years Strategic Plan Considers 2
When was the Strategic Plan adopted? December 2017
Does your organization have a Management Succession Plan? Yes
Does your organization have a Policy and Procedure Plan? Under Development
Does the organization have a Nondiscrimination Policy? Under Development
Does the organization have a Whistle Blower Policy?
Does the organization have a Document Destruction Policy?


Is there a formal evaluation for... Frequency (if applicable)
CEO/Executive Director Yes Quarterly
Senior Management N/A N/A
Non-Management N/A N/A