Broken Restored Redeemed Ministries
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425 south water ave
gallatin, TN 37066
Organization Details


The Housing Rental Assistance Program provides assistance to families in need of assistance with Rent Payment, Mortgage Payment, Utility Payment, Storage Payment, assistance with transportation via Public Transportation Bus Pass, and assistance with Emergency Cut Off notices to prevent loss of services.

Program Successes
Our organization has a beautiful client she is a single mother that arrived at our ministry with a newborn. Her source of financial stability is social security. She is placed in housing and provided for 4 months of rent paid and she also has a skill to draw and love art.

1.) We took her strength and focus on helping her build her business more beyond social media and help build her confidence. As we were teaching her new skill she learned she could work on social security.
2.) the apartment she was placed in the ministry , year later was able to have here placed in luxurious nice apartment. She increased from a one bedroom to a two bedroom. Now granted we help secure housing voucher to help secure some her rent to support while her baby is at least two years of age.
3.) She has now been placed in the 2 bedroom through our ministry and is fully selling her art work and taking some studies on line.
4.) our organization has provided a wrap around service and it is success.
Long-term Success
Broken Restored Redeemed Ministries goal of financial assistance is to help prevention of displacement.(prevent families from loosing their homes.) 1.) we asses the problem of the financial Loss.2.) We educate and help with budgets. 3.) We help create and support our families by allowing hands teaching how to create a budget sheet by using technology. 4.) We educate on resources and savings in time of uncontrollable life threatening circumstances and where to get help in their location. Once completed we are able to disburse the funds of the need.

Our organization lets the owner know that client will be paying some towards the debt. When one assessment is completed and all documents and education skills are completed. Our organization will help pay the balance and half the following month. Upon completion of services they will be awarded certificate of training in budget and finance.
Short-term Success
Broken Restored Redeemed Ministries short term goal is to help families. Cross over from poverty. We strive to educate and inspire our families not fear money. To understand how to use money and be good steward of the money. And educate on other ways how be self employed and how to be creative with your funds. Help the families to see you have control of your money and not that money controls families. Our organization has a give back program. Give back allow the client to give to another family that is need. ( the clients have the money we are hear to help them see where the money is currently going.

Everything is appointment only. We able to have much more higher success rate with all the clients. Our organization strives to help educate the families and we love to invest our time to see success rate grow.
Program Success Monitored By
Our program have the families take survey on how much they understand about money.
Once we issue funds we do home visits and schedule apt. in the office to check in on client and do an evaluation.
Our organization also monitors the amount of recurring times help is needed.
Our organization makes follow up calls with clients and the owners to see their success rate.
Our organization also provides the best customer service in providing long term resources.
Program Areas Served
Davidson -surrounding counties
The Food Bank/Food Services Program provides healthy food assistance and resources to children and the elderly that live in low-income properties. Bring the food source into the communities to educate those who are unable travel. We distribute fresh food boxes weekly to Davidson County and Sumner Counties providing service to 1200 children and youth, 1200 elderly and 100 adults.
Program Successes
Program success we were able to provide food and resources to families in low income property in Sumner county. The success was we feed about 1000 families and children. We were able to sign clients up to much more food assistance educate train families on how to budget and how to prepare meals.

Our organization feed the 1000 families in low income apt. in Madison tn. Our success with our Kitchen Corner we are able to travel to families and reach the elderly and other families that lack transportation.
This year we have increased from 1000 to feeding 5000 families.
General Public
Long-term Success
Our Long term success is to continue to help feed families and help educate the families on how to prepare meals with the food boxes.
Our organization strive to provide excellence resources for families that are low or fixed incomes. Our Program Kitchen Corner , was designed to become long term to help the families sustain themselves and help feed our children through the summer months.
Our organization strives to educate and teach families how to grow their on food. How to budget and make grocery list when shopping.
Short-term Success
Our term goals is to offer food boxes once month. Kitchen corner provides cases food to last client a month. Now the organization is open to providing bread fresh vegetables and fruit once it is available. As clients grow their food they start to become in less need of the food boxes and increase in job stability.
Emergency Food boxes will quickly given to families in need of food.
Program Success Monitored By
Our organization have all our clients fill out application and we ask if their receiving any other from of food assistance such as snap. Then that allows our organization to see the time month families are in need of food. How much they receiving and how long are they able to stretch there meals. We monitor the recurring by surveys and having monthly meetings to discuss the issue.
Program Areas Served
Davidson, surrounding counties/traveling food pantry
The Advocating Services Programs provides referrals for Behavioral Health Agencies, Case Management, and Court Appointed Social Workers.

Program Successes
A familiy that was recently in Tornado has never applied for assistance , our organizaation was able to help assist and help navigate femma and Metro social services. Was able to help familiy get in safe place and transition easily , with the familiy move.
Unhoused individuals
Long-term Success
Our long term success with each familiy , Gives the families the ability to understand the social service language. Which allows each client to understand what he or she is signing and gives the Case Manger and Social Worker to better assist each client. Also long term patient, with client and also the wrap around service completes stability. Helps in future create trust sustainability in the housing needs.
Short-term Success
Our short term goal is to help assit and visual show clients how to apply for help and educate train the familiy members.
Program Success Monitored By
all our success is monitored during 120 days. We have follow up apointments and surveys form each Familiy member to montior their success.
Program Areas Served
Davidson, Wilson, Sumner County Surrounding counties
The Clothing Services Program provides new clothes to those in need that includes all ages male and female from infants to young adults and the elderly.
Program Areas Served
Surrounding counties , Davisdon, wilson, Montgomery
The Small/Large Household Services Program provides everything one would need in setting up a new residence including but not limited to full bedroom suits including mattresses, full living room set ( sofa, chairs, coffee table, end tables, lamps, etc.), kitchen table set, dishes, etc.
Economically disadvantaged people
Formerly incarcerated people & incarcerated people
Unhoused individuals
Program Areas Served
Daidson county, sumner county, surrounding counties Tennessee
The Sponsorship Program provides Monetary Gifts, Mentorship, Educational Trainings (Personal Finance/Business Finance, Credit Rebuilding, Home Ownership Classes, and Supportive Outsourced Organizations support from Big Brother and Big Sister.

Program Areas Served
The Homeless to Home Ownership program is designed to cater to families that have been seeking a home but need some help and education on the process of purchasing a home. Our families come from lived experiences with not making enough money to qualify for a home. Through this program they are linked with landlords that can provide a rental property and build the families home at the end of the lease term. The landlord has agreed to provide a contract with terms that will work with our families for first six months allowing them time to get on track. The service includes attending housing support groups counseling and other training for their success. In this program they are able to access the food pantry clothing and household items as well as toiletries.
Program Areas Served
Sumner County, Davidson, surrounding counties
This program those that are in emergency state. They have to be currently in eviction or sleeping in car, staying with family more than 30 days or living in unlivable conditions. Referral from behavioral health services or social services. We advocate with any legal service through Legal aide to help with any legal matters. We also try to find housing within 1 week to 6months or transitional living. This service also provides job skills building of resume for employment. We also help assist the clients in applying for disability. as the clients wait for financial and shelter we provide food and clothing. Some transportation cost. Gift cards and money for hotel stay.( If the funds are available).
Program Areas Served
Sumner county , davidson county, surrounding areas

CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments

Our mission is to help famlies find shelter. That the foundations will have no cracks in them through the word of god it gives each family hope.