Nations Ministry Center
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406 Welshwood Drive
Nashville, TN 37211
Organization Details

Board Chair

Board Chair Mr. Kelly Christie
Company Affiliation Retired
Term January 2022 to December 2024

Board of Directors

Board Members
Name Affiliation Status
Ray Berry Community volunteer Voting
Dr. Bill Christie Vanderbilt University Voting
Kelly Christie Vanderbilt University Voting
Mr. Josh Collins HCA Voting
Guy Hicks Retired attorney Voting
Keith King Alive Hospice Voting
Dr. Janet Kuhn Community volunteer Voting
Fran Linley Harpeth Hall School Voting
Erin Molitoris HCA
Patsy Powers Waller Law Voting
Kevin Roberts Habitat for Humanity Voting
Karen Stevens Community Volunteer Voting
Karen Weir Community Volunteer Voting


Board Term Lengths 3.00 years
Board Term Limits 3
Board Meeting Attendance % 70%
Does the organization have written Board Selection Criteria? Yes
Does the organization have a written Conflict of Interest Policy? Yes
Percentage Making Monetary Contributions 100%
Percentage of Board Members making In-Kind Contributions 40%
Does the Board include Client Representation? No
Number of Full Board Meetings Annually 4

Standing Committees

Development / Fund Raising

Risk Management Provisions

Automobile Insurance
Commercial General Liability
Crime Coverage
Directors and Officers Policy
General Property Coverage
Professional Liability
Umbrella or Excess Insurance

CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments

We are engaged in a comprehensive review of our board, our needs as an agency, and how best to advance our mission. Our staff, several of whom are former refugees themselves, play a significant role in shaping our programs and services. Our board currently has two immigrants.