Friends Life
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4414 Granny White Pike
Nashville, TN 37204
Organization Details

Board Chair

Board Chair Mr. Michael Flatt
Company Affiliation Consor
Term January 2024 to December 2025

Board of Directors

Board Members
Name Affiliation Status
Mrs. Annalisa Baltz HCA Voting
Mr. Keane Barger Riley Warnock and Jacobson Voting
Mr. Chris Beckler Edley's BBQ Voting
Sharon Cheek Tennessee Craft Brewers Guild Voting
Trish Crist Frist Museum Voting
Michelle Diamond Cumberland Trust Voting
Mr. Michael Flatt WSP Corporation Voting
Raleigh Harwell Insight Risk Management & WC Dillon Company, LLC Voting
Mr. Andrew Nielson InfoWorks Voting
Jennifer Ogden Retired Voting
Mrs. Molly Rollins Community Volunteer Voting
Mrs. Jennifer Turner Tennessee Performing Arts Center, CEO Voting
Mary Weprin Voting

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Board Term Lengths 3.00 years
Board Term Limits 2
Board Meeting Attendance % 84%
Does the organization have written Board Selection Criteria? Yes
Does the organization have a written Conflict of Interest Policy? Yes
Percentage Making Monetary Contributions 100%
Percentage of Board Members making In-Kind Contributions 100%
Does the Board include Client Representation? Yes
Number of Full Board Meetings Annually 6

Standing Committees

Human Resources / Personnel
Program / Program Planning
Special Events (Golf Tournament, Walk / Run, Silent Auction, Dinner / Gala)

Risk Management Provisions

Commercial General Liability and D and O and Umbrella or Excess and Automobile and Professional

CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments

Our Board of Directors is currently comprised of 10 votingmembers who are community and business leaders. Board development will be a strategic focus over the next three years in order to support the innovative initiatives determined to meet the needs of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. We are actively seeking qualified candidates to expand the number of board members from 10 to 15. A strategic goal for 2016-2018 is to create and implement a succession plan for executive staff and board members. Board recruitment, development, and rotation will be a significant part of this strategic goal. The Executive Director reports directly to the Board of Directors and is primarily responsible for implementing the strategic plan to achieve return on mission.