Mission: To create opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities to develop socially, grow personally, and enjoy community as they experience life together.
Friends Life Community, started in 2008 by a community advocate and four families with adult children with developmental disabilities, began as an afternoon program in the basement of Hillsboro Presbyterian Church. As Friends Life grew, these founding families continued to be a strong foundation for the organization. In its first three years, the day program expanded from the four founding members to 40 participants. In February 2011, Friends Life Community was licensed as a day habilitation program and moved into its new home at 4414 Granny White Pike, where it resides today serving over 150 individuals.
We believe everyone deserves a place to belong. As a certified 501(c)3, Friends Life Community empowers each participant to live as independently as possible as they age out of high school and other traditional support programs. Through continuing education and job training, we provide our clients ('Friends') with every opportunity to achieve their full potential and discover their place within the community and the world. We support our Friends through four different program offerings: Day Program, Social Club, 1:1 Coaching, and Drama Therapy. Learning takes place at the program site and in the community as Friends build skills with the support of mentoring professionals. Positive behavior supports allow our Friends to expand their knowledge, as well as practice their skills sets outside the day program through their relationships with friends and family, daily routines, employment, and progress toward goals for the future.
Operating Support: funding to support continued operations and expand capacity. Revenue from tuition and other services accounts for less than 45% of operating costs. To donate, visit Volunteer Program: We're seeking volunteer Peer Mentors for our Social Club program. Peer Mentors build relationships with our Friends in social settings while modeling expected behaviors. Become a peer mentor at Corporate/Individual Sponsors: Opportunities include fundraising events, (Backyard BBQ and Bluegrass Bash and Charity Golf Classic); silent auction donations; hosting 'give back' events at restaurants or stores; and employee gift drives. Contact Lauren Zook at to partner. Employment Partners: We're seeking employers willing to partner with Friends Life Community on employment opportunities for our Friends. Our Career Coaching program provides on-site job support, and we continue to serve as a liaison for the employer during the life of the employment, ensuring long-term success. Learn more about our Career Coaching program at Create a scholarship fund and help offset the cost of tuition by contacting Waverly Ann Harris at
CEO Statement
Friends Life Community is a rare resource to individuals with disabilities. We operate with the strategy of a business to ensure sustainability and financial responsibility. At the same time, we provide true community where people with disabilities know they belong and families receive the peace of mind that comes with knowing their loved one is cared for and valued. We are more than a building with daily programming; we are a contagious culture spreading throughout the community at large. Our staff members lay a foundation for person-centered learning and skill-building. They facilitate inclusive opportunities so our Friends can make lasting contributions to the lives of others. At each of the many nonprofits where our Friends volunteer weekly, during each interaction with the staff and members of the YMCAs where our Friends exercise, and as they meet new people in new places around the city, our Friends are building genuine relationships, increasing their independence, and contributing to the community. Our organization has a magnificent support network of volunteers, donors, board members, and staff because our Friends welcome each person into our community without judgment or reservation. Just as we strive to welcome and value each Friend in our programming, our Friends extend that same welcome to others. Because of our Friends, each person who walks through our doors, no matter their level of abilities, knows she or he is loved, valued, and belongs. ?Waverly Ann Harris, 2020
Board Chair Statement
Every day I am thankful for the numerous blessing that are graciously given to me and my family, and continually look for opportunities to share with those that I meet daily. I also pray that others who are richly bless are appreciative and that they will in turn look for opportunities to share. Friends Life Community is a fertile ground, for the sharing, giving, receiving, and learning how to help each other. In general, most people usually think that a non-profit is a place for giving, well yes, we are, but that is only a part of the complete picture. Being the father of a 33-year-oldo son with disabilities, I can truly speak with boldness of the numerous life lessons and blessings that my son and the other friends at Friends Life Community continue to give to me and others every day. We live in a complex world, where most everything is "gray", with very few things being simple or clear. Well, this is where the work of a vast number of non-profits like Friends Life Community, step up and help us open our eyes and see more clearly, what is important, what is urgent, and how it can be done with kindness and humility. It is an honor for me to serve and do everything that I can.
Michael A. Flatt 2024
FLC Parent and Board Chair
Service Categories |
Primary Category: | Human Services - Developmentally Disabled Services/Centers |
Secondary Category: | - |
Tertiary Category: | - |
Areas Served
We serve individuals (18+) with intellectual and developmental disabilities from our location in Metro Nashville. Our participants come from neighborhoods and towns located throughout Middle Tennessee.
TN - Davidson |
TN - Williamson |
TN - Cheatham |
TN - Sumner |
TN - Wilson |
TN - Dickson |
TN - Maury |
TN - Other |
TN - Other |