Girls Write Nashville
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PO Box 68312
Nashville, TN 37206
Organization Details


The All City Mentorship Guild is Girls Write Nashville's flagship program that started it all back in 2016! In this program teen artists in 8th-12th grade are paired for one-to-one mentorship with local professional musicians to work in a cohort over 6 months. Youth gather monthly to share their works-in-progress in a supportive peer community. The season culminates in a two-day recording session in a local studio in which each student has the opportunity to produce and record one of their songs for the annual Girls Write Nashville compilation album.

Participants often join after "graduating" from our after-school programs in MNPS Title I middle schools and the program is free of cost to participants. Participants have performed at our annual benefit show alongside Brittany Howard and Margo Price and gone on to work professionally with mentors met through the program. All participants gain valuable community and personal skills to serve them in any arena
Women and girls
Economically disadvantaged people
Program Areas Served
Nashville, TN
The entire Girls Write Nashville community gathers for an annual concert featuring notable performers, focusing on female-identifying performers, from Nashville's songwriter/music artist community performing in-the-round with each other and Girls Write Nashville youth artists in a community-building public performance and celebration of the power of positive community.

This annual event is a celebration of female-identifying artists in Nashville from all genres that displays the community value of music to a large Nashville audience as artists perform alongside the next generation.

The concert is executed in partnership with Lightning100 and their Nashville Sunday Night series at 3rd & Lindsley and is broadcast on the radio and livestreamed on

Our first concert in October 2021 featured Brittany Howard, Margo Price, and more and an estimated 18,000-20,000 tuned in for the concert!
General Public
Women and girls
Program Areas Served
Nashville, TN, United States
The Contributor is an award-winning nonprofit bi-weekly social justice newspaper sold with dignity by our neighbors climbing out of homelessness. In November 2020, Girls Write Nashville partnered with The Contributor to amplify local youth voices by facilitating a student-created bi-lingual youth voice column. This column is open to girls, boys, and gender-nonconforming youth in middle and high school in Davidson County. It is also bi-lingual and students are welcome to write in Spanish and/or English. Thanks to a generous THRIVE grant from Metro Arts Nashville, this project started in 2020-2021.

Currently undergoing a committee review process in 2021-2022, the Youth Voices column will return in 2022-2023 reimagined to serve as a resource for students city-wide and will feature monthly drop-in "editors" meeting and office hours with journalism mentors, a submission process open to all local youth, and 2-day journalism curriculum resources for MNPS English teachers.
Unhoused individuals
Children and Youth (0 - 19 years)
Program Areas Served
Nashville, TN
Loudmouth is our new, gender-neutral community music initiative.
Through partnerships with MNPS, Music Makes Us, and Community Achieves, we provide all-gender programming modeled after our Girls Write Nashville program. Students participate in peer-groups called "Writers' Guilds" where they share their work with each other weekly and participate in high-quality writing prompts and activities independently.

Our largest initiative was launching free k-12 writers' guilds open to all MNPS students throughout the quarantined portion of the Spring semester as a part of our COVID-19 response.

Additional Loudmouth services include:
* Low-cost virtual Guild classes to youth outside of Davidson County
* Low-cost virtual Guild classes to adults, anywhere!
* Low-cost instrumental lessons (in person and virtual)
* Educational livestreams and videos on YouTube, so students anywhere can participate in our curriculum.

Proceeds from our low-cost Guilds and lessons support our free programming.
Arts, Culture & Humanities  - Arts Education 
Children and Youth (0 - 19 years)
Program Areas Served
Our MNPS After-School Writers Guilds programs take place weekly from October - May through onsite at Title I MNPS schools through a longstanding partnership with Community Achieves. We currently serve the following schools:

- McMurray Middle School
- Antioch Middle School
- Wright Middle School
- Creswell Middle School
- DuPont Hadley Middle School

Under the guidance of a local professional teaching artist, youth artists in our after-school programs learn to write and record original music in a supportive community of peers.

Students also build social emotional skills, leadership skills, confidence and Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) that are shown to reduce the longterm negative health effects of childhood trauma. We are a community building "circle practice" aligned with Tier I SEL Foundations Core Practices of MNPS's Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS).
Program Successes

Positive Childhood Experiences
-100% of students felt accepted in their Writers Guild.
- 100% of students felt a sense of belonging in their Writers Guild. 100% felt like there was an adult who cared about them.
- 92% enjoyed participating in music making with other people.

- 91% said they felt more confident sharing sharing their creativity with others in their Writers Guild.
- 92% said they could be different without doubting themselves.
- 100% said they could learn new things without getting overwhelmed.

Social Emotional
- 83% felt safe expressing their inner thoughts and feelings in their Writers Guild.
- 92% said their Writers Guild helped them express difficult emotions and helped them express their thoughts and feelings in a deeper way.
- 83% said they felt able to express how they're really feeling in their Writers Guild.

Youth Development  - Youth Development, General/Other 
Children and Youth (0 - 19 years)
Immigrant, Newcomers, Refugees
Program Success Monitored By
Student surveys
Partner-school data
Program Areas Served
Nashville, TN