Tennessee Charitable Care Network
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707 Shadycrest Lane
Franklin, TN 37064
Organization Details


TCCN provides member organizations access to conferences, webinars and networking event throughout the year. TCCN offers members a Member Resource Area of the website that includes hundreds of resources and documents spanning Clinic Operations, Best Practices, HIPPA Compliance, Advocacy, Online Resources and more. TCCN's events calendar allows all member organizations to add their events to share with the community of charitable care clinics. Membership with TCCN scales based on the member's annual budget and is very affordable based on that criteria. Membership fees can be waived in cases of financial inability to contribute. More meaningful than membership dues, is TCCN's ability to reach and serve those who are reaching and serving low-income, uninsured, under-insured and under-served people living in Tennessee.
Program Areas Served
TCCN is a partner in'Strengthening the Workforce of Tennessee's Charitable Clinics' to improve the essential knowledge and skills of the staff, volunteers and leadership of Tennessee's charitable clinics, thereby strengthening clinic operations and sustainability, enhancing quality of care, improving healthcare access for vulnerable populations, and reducing health disparities.
Program Areas Served
TCCN works to educate and inform state policymakers about the comprehensive primary health care, behavioral health care, oral health care, pharmaceutical, and referral to specialty care needs of the uninsured and underinsured across Tennessee and the charitable healthcare organizations providing those services. Examples of these efforts include the coordination and preparation for Day On The Hill. Day On The Hill gives member organizations the opportunity meet with state House and Senate Representatives on a one on one basis to discuss policy reform and bill representation. Also, TCCN provides up to date information to member organizations about advocacy efforts to increase access to healthcare, how they can get involved, and the current climate of Charitable Health Care in Tennessee.
Program Areas Served

CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments

TCCN has as a top priority ensuring member access to excellent speakers and educational resources to support continued strengthening of clinical, data, management, financial, advocacy and fundraising skills. We have developed an outstanding 'members only' library of resources and continue to augment materials offered there on a daily basis. TCCN exists to support its members in their goal to help their neighbors in need. TCCN seeks to create a 'body of evidence' for the efficacy of its members work and believes that this ability to demonstrate outcomes and impact will be vital to ensuring the long term financial viability of our members individually and of our Network collectively. Our advocacy work is focused on securing health coverage for all people in Tennessee. TCCN's members are 'gap fillers' but our goal is to close the gap!