Tennessee Disability Coalition
A family-operated program of support for families of children with special health care needs. We provide training & assistance to families in navigating service systems. We assist families as they navigate public and private health systems and insurance plans; train families to access services and resources for their children and to work with health providers; guide families as they address barriers to care; and promote family-centered care and medical homes for children with special health care needs. FVTN also makes 1-to-1 connections for parents, adult siblings and individuals through our family matching program. This provides opportunities for mentoring by someone with similar experiences. Mentorship offers help with problem-solving, emotional support, and connections to community resources. There are 80 trained mentors statewide who share experience, knowledge, and support. FVTN trains families to be effective leaders and helps place them in leadership roles.
Program Areas Served
A family-operated program of support for families of children with special health care needs. We provide training & assistance to families in navigating service systems. We assist families as they navigate public and private health systems and insurance plans; train families to access services and resources for their children and to work with health providers; guide families as they address barriers to care; and promote family-centered care and medical homes for children with special health care needs. FVTN also makes 1-to-1 connections for parents, adult siblings and individuals through our family matching program. This provides opportunities for mentoring by someone with similar experiences. Mentorship offers help with problem-solving, emotional support, and connections to community resources. There are 80 trained mentors statewide who share experience, knowledge, and support. FVTN trains families to be effective leaders and helps place them in leadership roles.
Program Areas Served
The ADA Network represents a collaboration of consumer-based organizations working in their communities to promote voluntary compliance and effective implementation of the ADA. It serves consumers/consumer groups, advocates, businesses and government entities and is affiliated with The Southeast ADA Center. It disseminates reliable information about the ADA and ADA-related articles; provides training and technical assistance; and makes referrals to regional and national ADA experts for specialized assistance. In the past year, the program has participated on WADA ADALive, a nationally broadcast monthly Internet show. The topics included voting access what people with disabilities and poll workers need to know and food allergies and the rights of individuals with Allergy-related disabilities under the ADA. The program is also providing input on access to the Tennessee General Assembly Director of Legislative Administration regarding the upcoming move of the state legislative offices.
Program Areas Served
The ADA Network represents a collaboration of consumer-based organizations working in their communities to promote voluntary compliance and effective implementation of the ADA. It serves consumers/consumer groups, advocates, businesses and government entities and is affiliated with The Southeast ADA Center. It disseminates reliable information about the ADA and ADA-related articles; provides training and technical assistance; and makes referrals to regional and national ADA experts for specialized assistance. In the past year, the program has participated on WADA ADALive, a nationally broadcast monthly Internet show. The topics included voting access what people with disabilities and poll workers need to know and food allergies and the rights of individuals with Allergy-related disabilities under the ADA. The program is also providing input on access to the Tennessee General Assembly Director of Legislative Administration regarding the upcoming move of the state legislative offices.
Program Areas Served
WorkAble promotes self-sufficiency for individuals with disabilities by alleviating obstacles & challenges they may face when going to work. This includes loss of healthcare coverage and other benefits. We equip those we serve with the tools to make informed decisions about their financial status and courage to pursue career goals. WorkAble experts are members of the communities where they work and are well trained and experienced. In Tennessee 73% of individuals 16 and older with a disability are unemployed vs. 28% for those with no disability (US Census). Reasons for this statistic include discrimination, lack of supports, and fears about loss of a safety net. WorkAble supports the success of individuals with disabilities in setting career goals and moving to employment through dissemination of accurate information and counseling on the effective use of the safety net and work incentives.
Employment - Vocational Rehabilitation
Elderly and/or Disabled
Program Areas Served
WorkAble promotes self-sufficiency for individuals with disabilities by alleviating obstacles & challenges they may face when going to work. This includes loss of healthcare coverage and other benefits. We equip those we serve with the tools to make informed decisions about their financial status and courage to pursue career goals. WorkAble experts are members of the communities where they work and are well trained and experienced. In Tennessee 73% of individuals 16 and older with a disability are unemployed vs. 28% for those with no disability (US Census). Reasons for this statistic include discrimination, lack of supports, and fears about loss of a safety net. WorkAble supports the success of individuals with disabilities in setting career goals and moving to employment through dissemination of accurate information and counseling on the effective use of the safety net and work incentives.
Employment - Vocational Rehabilitation
Elderly and/or Disabled
Program Areas Served
Brain Links builds on a previous project that focused on improving educational outcomes for children and youth with brain injury by training the school personnel and related professionals that support them. The legacy of that project is a rich accumulation of training materials and products; a strong reputation for excellence in training with documented increases in knowledge; productive partnerships in-state and nationally; and staff with expertise in brain injury and educational program development. Brain Links works to improve the knowledge and skills of the Tennessee workforce that serves persons with TBI, overcoming the barriers presented by a lack of awareness and understanding. Expert staff are training a TBI workforce that has an understanding of brain injury and embraces person-centered planning to benefit TBI survivors across the lifespan.
Program Areas Served
Brain Links builds on a previous project that focused on improving educational outcomes for children and youth with brain injury by training the school personnel and related professionals that support them. The legacy of that project is a rich accumulation of training materials and products; a strong reputation for excellence in training with documented increases in knowledge; productive partnerships in-state and nationally; and staff with expertise in brain injury and educational program development. Brain Links works to improve the knowledge and skills of the Tennessee workforce that serves persons with TBI, overcoming the barriers presented by a lack of awareness and understanding. Expert staff are training a TBI workforce that has an understanding of brain injury and embraces person-centered planning to benefit TBI survivors across the lifespan.
Program Areas Served
CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments
All of the Coalition's programs are driven by our mission to build an inclusive society that values and respects people with disabilities and where people get the services they need. Our greatest challenges and opportunities this year are in health care. Good health is fundamental to all aspects of independence. Access to health care, and an accessible, affordable, coordinated health care system are at risk in Tennessee. Our systems change and public policy work in this arena will be a major focus of our work in 2020.Family Voices of Tennessee has significantly increased its outreach and effectiveness over the last two years as it has built a peer to peer support program for families with young children who have hearing loss. This year we have established a new satellite in Chattanooga, partnering with a local child serving agency. Benefits to Work has a new focus on students and young adults with disabilities who are who are transitioning from school to work and adult life. The opportunity for success is to assist individuals to move to employment, not dependency. The key to self-sufficiency and independence. Brain Links has completed a successful first year is preparing to use their new resources to expand training across the state. New partnerships with the Departments of Health, Human Services, Education, and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, has positioned the project well for the greatest impact on service delivery systems that serve those with TBI. |