Williamson County CASA, Inc.
Share page
1205 Columbia Ave
Franklin, TN 37064
Organization Details

Fiscal Year

Fiscal Year Start


Fiscal Year End


Projected Revenue


Projected Expenses


Organizational Budgets and Other Documents

Budget 2024
Williamson County CASA Budget 22-23 2023
Williamson County CASA Budget 21-22 2022
Williamson County CASA, Inc Budget 20-21 2021
WCCASA 2020 Budget 2020
Williamson County CASA Budget 18-19 2019
Williamson County CASA Budget 17-18 2018
2016-2017 CASA Budget 2017
Williamson County CASA, Inc 2016 Budget 2016
Williamson County CASA, Inc. 2014 Budget 2014
Williamson County CASA, Inc. 2013 Budget 2013
Williamson County CASA, Inc. 2012 Budget 2012
williamson county casa, inc. 2010 budget 2010
williamson county casa, inc. 2009 budget 2009
williamson county casa, inc 2008 budget 2008

IRS Letter of Exemption

williamson county casa, inc. irs ltr

Detailed Financials

Revenue and Expenses
Fiscal Year202320222021
Total Revenue $491,367.00$589,595.00$554,742.00
Total Expenses $510,451.00$475,981.00$428,903.00
Revenue Less Expenses ($19,084.00)$113,614.00$125,839.00

Revenue Sources
Fiscal Year202320222021
Foundation and Corporation Contributions $0.00$0.00$0.00
Government - Federal $0.00$0.00$0.00
Government - State $0.00$0.00$0.00
Government - Local $0.00$0.00$0.00
Government - Unspecified $0.00$61,762.00$59,000.00
Contributions, Gifts, and Grants $345,367.00$370,532.00$314,267.00
Indirect Public Support $0.00$0.00$0.00
Earned Revenue $0.00$0.00$0.00
Investment Income, Net of Losses $10,368.00$37,978.00$46,939.00
Membership Dues $0.00$0.00$0.00
Special Events $109,306.00$96,075.00$114,700.00
Revenue In-Kind $26,326.00$23,248.00$19,836.00
Other $0.00$0.00$0.00

Expense Allocation
Fiscal Year202320222021
Program Expense $295,222.00$272,678.00$239,892.00
Administration Expense $78,053.00$76,686.00$69,991.00
Fundraising Expense $137,176.00$126,617.00$119,020.00
Total Revenue/Total Expenses 96%124%129%
Program Expense/Total Expenses 58%57%56%
Fundraising Expense/Contributed Revenue 27%27%28%

Top Funding Sources
Fiscal Year202320222021
Top Funding Source & Dollar Amount Contributions, Gifts, and Grants
Contributions, Gifts, and Grants
Contributions, Gifts, and Grants
Second Highest Funding Source & Dollar Amount Fundraising Events
Fundraising Events
Fundraising Events
Third Highest Funding Source & Dollar Amount Noncash Contributions
Government Grants
Government Grants

Assets and Liabilities
Fiscal Year202320222021
Total Assets $935,169.00$915,242.00$945,413.00
Current Assets $308,189.00$328,916.00$305,215.00
Long-Term Liabilities $0.00$0.00$61,762.00
Current Liabilities $5,278.00$1,009.00$19.00
Total Net Assets $929,891.00$914,233.00$883,632.00

Endowment Info

Do you have an endowment?


Capital Campaign Info

Are you currently in a Capital Campaign?


Do you anticipate a campaign in the next 5 years?


Solicitation Permit Info

State Charitable Solicitations Permit


Permit Expiration Month


Permit Expiration Year


Solicitations Permit

Charitable Solicitations permit

Form 990s

990 2023
williamson county casa, inc. 2022 990 2022
williamson county casa, inc. 2021 990 2021
williamson county casa, inc. 2020 990 2020
williamson county casa, inc. 2019 990 2019
williamson county casa, inc. 2018 2018
williamson county casa, inc. 2017 990 2017
williamson county casa, in. 2016 990 2016
williamson county casa, inc. 2015 990 2015
williamson county casa, inc. 2014 990 2014
williamson county casa, inc. 2014 990 2014
williamson county casa, inc. 2013 990 2013
williamson county casa, inc. 2012 990 2012
williamson county casa, inc. 2011 990 2011
williamson county casa, inc. 2010 990 2010
williamson county casa, inc. 2009 990 2009
williamson county casa, inc. 2008 990 2008
williamson county casa, inc. 2007 990 2007
williamson county casa, inc. 2006 990 2006

Audit Documents

Audit 2023
Williamson County CASA 2022 audit 2022
Williamson County CASA 2021 audit 2021
Williamson County CASA 2020 audit 2020
Williamson County CASA 2019 audit 2019
Williamson County CASA 2018 Audit 2018
Williamson County CASA Inc 2017 Audit 2017
Williamson County CASA, inc. review 2016 2016
williamson county casa, inc. 2015 audit 2015
williamson county casa, inc 2014 audit 2014
williamson county casa, inc. 2013 audit 2013
williamson county casa, inc. 2012 audit 2012
williamson county casa, inc. 2011 review 2011
williamson county casa, inc. 2010 review 2010
williamson county casa, inc. 2009 review 2009
williamson county casa, inc. 2008 review 2008
williamson county casa, inc. 2007 review 2007
williamson county casa, inc. 2006 audit 2006

CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments

Because of the increasing numbers of children being referred to us by the Juvenile Court, we hired another staff person in 2018. National CASA recommends a 30-1 staff to advocate ratio. We have had two staff supervising advocates because we were able to implement a peer leader model to offset some of the oversight responsibilities. However, the growth rate dictated that we add a paid staff person to offset these supervisory requirements.

Foundation Staff Comments

Financial figures are taken from the 990. Foundation and corporate grants may be included in Contributions, Gifts, and Grants sum, as these amount are not separated in Form 990. Financial documents were prepared by H A Beasley and Company PLLC. Comments provided by Nicole Rose 08/05/2024.