Workers' Dignity Project / Dignidad Obrera
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335 Whitsett Road
Nashville, TN 37210
Organization Details

Board Chair

Board Chair Armando Arzate
Company Affiliation Community Volunteer
Term August 2020 to August 2024

Board of Directors

Board Members
Name Affiliation Status
Armando Arzate Voting
Maribel Calderon Voting
Santiago Tovar Voting


Board Term Lengths 2.00 years
Board Term Limits 4
Board Meeting Attendance % 80%
Does the organization have written Board Selection Criteria? Yes
Does the organization have a written Conflict of Interest Policy? Yes
Percentage Making Monetary Contributions 100%
Percentage of Board Members making In-Kind Contributions 100%
Does the Board include Client Representation? Yes
Number of Full Board Meetings Annually 12

CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments

Workers' Dignity Project governance is somewhat unique in that those normally termed 'clients,' those directly affected, those being served, are also those who are determining the solution to the issue. In other words, this organizational structure is based on the idea of self-determination. In practical terms, this means that the Steering Committee (Board) is made up mostly of low-wage workers. Only low-wage workers have decisive vote on the Board. For example, Mariana Lopez was one of the first workers to win back stolen wages in 2010. She has supported and trained other members in addressing wage theft, sexual harassment, and other workplace injustices. She has served as Board Chair for and volunteered on a weekly basis.