Tennessee Innocence Project
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700 Craighead Street Suite 300
Nashville, TN 37204
Organization Details



The mission of the Tennessee Innocence Project is to free innocent people who remain incarcerated and to bring reform to the system responsible for their unjust imprisonment. Our organization has three primary areas of focus:

1) Investigating and litigating actual innocence claims for those in Tennessee prisons to obtain exonerations,

2) Training law students and attorneys about how to litigate these cases and how to prevent future wrongful convictions, and

3) Effectuating changes that remedy and facilitate the discovery of wrongful convictions.


The Tennessee Innocence Project grew out of the Innocence Clinic at the UT College of Law. A dedicated group of people - some who have been involved with the innocence movement in Tennessee since its beginning - opened our doors in 2019 as a state-wide non-profit. While our main office is in Nashville, TN, we work across the state. In January 2022, we hired our first full-time employee in Memphis.

As part of TIP's advocacy work, we've had some early success. We helped draft the Post-Conviction Fingerprint Analysis Act of 2021 which was signed by Governor Lee on May 11, 2021. This law ensures that as new technology is developed to analyze fingerprints, those who were previously convicted can access this technology. Tennessee is one of only five states to have such a bill. Now that the Fingerprint Act has become law, we have turned our attention to advocating for a general innocence act that would allow an incarcerated individual to file a petition for post-conviction relief.


The Tennessee Innocence Project investigates and litigates claims of actual innocence made by Tennessee men and women. Incarcerated behind bars, these men and women are rarely able to afford legal representation. No other Tennessee organization or government entity provides the representation and resources that the Tennessee Innocence Project provides to its clients.
The organization also increases awareness of the factors within the criminal justice system that may result in the wrongful convictions of innocent people by educating the public and legal community on how to identify and prevent wrongful convictions.

To understand the impact of TIPS's work, we invite you to watch this CBS Sunday Morning segment highlighting how TIP collaborated with Davidson County's Conviction Review Unit to exonerate Joyce Watkins in January 2022. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/joyce-watkins-on-her-exoneration-after-34-years/

It is impossible to know how many other "Joyces" are currently wrongfully incarcerated in Tennessee, but we know it is a significant number. Most of these people do not have the financial means to hire an attorney, so TIP is their last hope to get the justice they deserve.

The impact our work has on a single exoneree's life is immeasurable. But as TIP grows, we are also putting an intentional focus on broad-scale education and advocacy efforts. By training those in the legal system to recognize the root causes of wrongful convictions and by supporting legislation to allow post-conviction relief, TIP's work is resulting in lasting, systemic change.


The Tennessee Innocence Project engages as many pro bono partnerships as possible, but the organization can only truly thrive by hiring personnel, including attorneys and investigators. As the organization expands infrastructure and litigation efforts to serve a greater number of clients, financial support on all levels is critical to continue our mission of exonerating people who have been wrongfully convicted of crimes they did not commit. Every dollar matters:

$50 Helps collect critical legal documents of an incarcerated person
$100 Enables an investigator to interview one witness
$250 Provides travel costs to see a client in person
$2,500 Covers testing of one sample of DNA

With the right support in place, TIP can be a stop-gap in an imperfect criminal justice system

CEO Statement

If I had to use one word to describe the Tennessee Innocence Project (TIP), it would be people. People are the heart and soul of our successes. After five years of consistent growth, it is exciting to feel the wheels of motion take flight - and it is all because of people.

Shane, Joyce, Charlie, Claude, Wayne, and Artis. Collectively, these six exonerees spent 147 years in prison for crimes they did not commit. Now, their names have been cleared.

In August 2021, TIP had its first exoneration in Nashville. Paul Shane Garrett was exonerated for a 2000 murder that he did not commit. In December 2021, TIP presented new scientific evidence in the case of Joyce Watkins and Charlie Dunn, who were convicted of a 1987 murder and sexual assault in Nashville. Charlie passed away while incarcerated in 2015. Joyce was released on parole that same year, after serving 27 years in prison. Charges were dismissed against Joyce and Charlie in January 2022.

The following two years saw three more exonerations: in May 2022, Claude Garrett was exonerated after spending 30 years wrongfully imprisoned, and in April 2023, Wayne Burgess was exonerated after spending nearly 25 years behind bars. In January 2024, TIP attained its first Shelby County exoneration, and Artis Whitehead was cleared of all charges exactly 21 years to the date of his initial arrest.

Our Staff. We cannot work these cases without people power. Our dedicated staff has grown from one person to eleven people in our first five years, and you can truly see the difference in our capacity.

Our Board. With the assistance and enthusiasm of a newly expanded Board of Directors, TIP assembled a long-term strategic plan in December 2021. TIP's newest Board members bring a diversity of experiences and voices that will help TIP reach more communities across Tennessee. The organization set long-term goals focusing on sustainable growth and financial impregnability, increasing legal representation, and expanding community engagement and education.

Our Supporters. Without our donors, none of this is possible. TIP supporters show up, allowing us to more than double our revenue since opening our doors in 2019.

I struggle for the proper words to express what a privilege it is to work with all these incredible people. No word or phrase seems big enough to convey the full meaning. Our work is truly a team effort. I am filled with optimism for all the work to do ahead, and I look forward to sharing more successes with you.

With gratitude,
Jessica Van Dyke

Service Categories

Primary Category: Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy  - Civil Rights, Social Action, & Advocacy N.E.C. 
Secondary Category: Crime & Legal - Related  - Legal Services 
Tertiary Category: Crime & Legal - Related  - Crime & Legal - Related NEC 

Areas Served