Doorstep Project Inc.
615-714-0150 ext. 6155917752
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P.O. BOX 1582
Organization Details



Doorstep Project, Inc.'s mission is to provide affordable transitional housing for one year for domestic violence victims upon launch from Bridges Domestic Violence Center.


Established in 2017, Doorstep Project Inc is the result of a commitment to assist families needing affordable housing as they transition out of Bridges Domestic Violence Center, the only emergency shelter of it's kind in Williamson County. The lack of available affordable housing makes it difficult for families to leave the shelter program and get back into their communities. The ripple effect of this housing shortage means the emergency shelter has fewer accommodations available for additional victims. This interim housing step provides housing for up to one year, allowing victims to remain in their communities surrounded by their own schools, doctors, churches and other support systems while they focus on getting established, seeking employment, completing educational goals, etc. DoorStep currently owns two homes (and provides rent/furnishings in others) and has a goal of owning a total of five to ten to assist families in our community.


*Six families are currently benefiting from the resources available through DoorStep Project.
*These homes are furnished and maintained by DoorStep Project and provide a home for up to one year to families striving to get back on their feet after the devastation that is domestic violence.
*Through our collaboration with Bridges Domestic Violence Center, families continue to receive support services including: counseling, case management, advisory services, emergency assistance, etc. as they rebuild their lives and families.


The current annual expenses associated with one home are $24,000. Bridges Domestic Violence Center shelters 40 or more families per year but Doorstep Project is only able to meet the needs of 6 families as they transition and assimilate back into their communities.. Doorstep Project aspires to serve as many families as possible as funds become available and the organization grows. As home prices continue to rise in Williamson County, so do our financial needs.

CEO Statement

The program is run with a volunteer Board of Directors with additional support from a part-time Marketing and Development Director.

Board Chair Statement

From our beginning in 2017, Doorstep Project, Inc has been committed to addressing the need for affordable interim housing for survivors of domestic violence in Williamson County, Tn. We continue to search for suitable and affordable housing to add to our current holdings of two homes as we work toward our goal of 5-10 properties. The current real estate market in Williamson County has challenged us to refine our goals. As we aspire to reach a larger audience and advance our cause, we recently hired a part-time Marketing and Development Director to move us toward the next step in our growth. This Director is responsible for public awareness, grant writing, development and other responsibilities that heretofore have been handled by the all-volunteer Board of Directors. We are excited about this new phase in our organization's history and are grateful to be a part of the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee.

Sharon Stewart
Board Chair
The Doorstep Project

Service Categories

Primary Category: Housing, Shelter  - Temporary Housing 
Secondary Category: Human Services  - Victims' Services 
Tertiary Category: -

Areas Served

Through our direct collaboration with Bridges Domestic Violence Center we serve Williamson County.

TN - Williamson