Doorstep Project Inc.
615-714-0150 ext. 6155917752
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P.O. BOX 1582
Organization Details


The purpose of Door Step is to provide suitable interim housing for victims of domestic violence so they may transition to independent living. This interim transitional housing is available for one year to clients recommended by Bridges Domestic Violence Center.
Program Successes
To date, there have been 6 families that have been accommodated and successfully transitioned to independent living.
Long-term Success
Providing housing, case management and the support needed for victims of domestic violence to transition to successful independent living.
Short-term Success
Transitional housing is available for up to one year for families who are victims of domestic violence. Case managers at Bridges Domestic Violence Center work with clients to help them get back on their feet while DoorStep provides the interim housing.
Program Success Monitored By
Exit interviews are conducted with clients at the end of their stay in transitional housing. During these interviews, the successes and needs of both the client and the program are discussed. .
Program Areas Served
Williamson County, Tennessee

CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments

Williamson County is rated the 7th wealthiest county in the country. When families are starting over after leaving their violent homes, they typically cannot afford to stay in their established community. With a year of support, they are able to complete education, advance in their jobs and complete court cases so they can live independently.