Royal Table Inc
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1718 Church St 330434
Nashville, TN 37203
Organization Details


The Royal Table Inc Youth Entrepreneurship Program aims to equip youth with entrepreneurial skills, fostering a mindset of self-sufficiency and innovation. We offer this as an an After School Program and during our summer camps for Youth 10 to 18 years of age. The Youth engage in practical, hands-on learning experiences designed to cultivate critical thinking, financial literacy, and business acumen. This program will provide them with tools to envision and create viable business ideas. Our current objectives for this program is Develop Entrepreneurial Skills by teaching the basics of entrepreneurship, including idea generation, business planning, marketing, and financial management. Fostering critical thinking and problem-solving abilities through interactive and experiential learning. Providing essential financial literacy education, covering budgeting, saving, and investment principles. In addition, we teach the Youth how to generate an income their business ideals and more.
Program Successes
Royal Table Inc first introduced this Pilot program at Alex Green Elementary in 2021-2022 and taught 25 students in our first After School program. Each Student designed a logo and created a business to sale products. In our 2023-2024 Programs for Entrepreneurship, we are teaching sales automation, marketing and content creation. One of our current students age 11 has created a You-Tube Music reel channel.
Black/African American
At-risk youth
Economically disadvantaged people
Long-term Success
The long term success of the program is that each Youth will continue to expand and grow their business and share the information with other Youth and their family members. Many Youth have the ability with this knowledge to create more than one business which also assists with the unemployment amongst the Youth.
Short-term Success
The Short Term success is teaching the Youth to have an online business that will have associated cost that they can later automate to generate more income and slowly scale the businesses.
Program Success Monitored By
The Program success is monitored by the Youth's ability to create business plans, pitch their business ideas, create logos and showcase their business products.
Program Areas Served
North Nashville - Davidson County
To education the community on the importance of understanding Food Insecurity and how this information will assist individuals with improving their health through better food choices and gardening. This is achieved through presentations in the community as we are partnered with Nonprofit Equity Collaborative, TN Department of Mental Health and a garden with Nashville Food Project.
Program Successes
Seeing vacant lots become gardens, individuals eating better, less fast food and exercising to manage weight by taking their health more serious.
General Public
Black/African American
At-risk youth
Long-term Success
To get individuals to manage their health and food choices to improve their health.
Short-term Success
To conduct 4 presentations a year
Program Success Monitored By
Getting the information out more about food insecurity by conducting presentations and talking to individuals and seeing them actually create a garden even if it is small garden. They are making choices to eat healthier.
Program Areas Served
North Nashville
This program offers STEAM in the Summer months to at risk Youth in the North Nashville area. We teach hands-on STEAM, Financial Literacy, provide art classes, take the Youth on field trips and focus on Youth Development.
Program Successes
Taught a 6th grader to read, teaching 35 students currently how to create robots and about to do the coding of the robot.
At-risk youth
Economically disadvantaged people
Unhoused individuals
Long-term Success
Long term success if us having a dedicated building and van as this year we have been using my personal car to get youth to bring them to Summer camp. The long term goal is to have a computer lab when they students can do their work and learn coding. Desire to have funds to give each student a STEAM robotics kit in which they can do themselves while at camp. Also, have 50 Youth join this program every summer and return each year until they graduate high school. Lastly to have those that graduated be Volunteers in teh Summer.
Short-term Success
To consistently have 20 Youth everyday attend the program.
Program Success Monitored By
Students that have actually completed the hands-on STEAM robotics, students that are excited to attend and share the information with their friends who also join the program
Program Areas Served
North Nashville
We teach hands-on STEM projects for students in our STEAM program. In this program, students are taught coding, design design, how to create an online business. This program includes Youth Development where students are encouraged to complete presentations and speak to audiences on their presentations and projects. Also, there is a part of this program that teaches canning to students as part of arts. They draw and paint under the Arts of Royal Table Inc as well. The students work in groups with an assigned group leader to guide them through the hands-on projects.
Program Successes
Examples of program success, completion of STEAM projects, individuals interested in canning and actually complete the canning process successfully for them in their family. The students that learn coding. Students that desire to return during summer breaks are also examples of the program's success. Individuals willing to donate and volunteer so that we can assist more individuals is also an example for the Program's success. Have a donated building or a building on reduced lease with a kitchen to service the program is an exampled of the program success. The marketing to get over 20 attendees is a huge success.
Children and Youth (0 - 19 years)
K-12 (5-19 years)
Long-term Success
The Royal Table STEAM Power program long term success is to have our program implemented in more than seven schools within the MNPS population from Elementary schools, Middle schools and High Schools where students are groomed to compete in Local, State and Regional Robotic competitions. We a goal of creating an Entrepreneur curriculum that will promote youth in business which assist in reducing youth violence, Today's youth are dealing with so much in an ever changing technical world. Without the necessary skill sets to advance in technology the you is at lost. Many of these children are dealing with homeless, home abuse, bullying, drug abuse, extreme abuse due to social media making today's youth more at-risk of dealing with adult situations at an unnecessary young age. For these reasons, we know a dedicated building where tutoring, mentoring, cooking training and safety along with food year round is beneficial.
Short-term Success
The programs short term success is offering Before and After school care with tutoring with emphasis on the third grade retention. Having such a program will assist parents who have to work and they do not have access to Before/After school care where there is a year round educational program that caters to the success of their children. Things taught to the Youth can be taught by them to their friends and family. With the previous mentioned goal, it will attract the adults who need assistance with reading and Financial Literacy all of which will transform lives to making better choices and start generational wealth.
Program Success Monitored By
The program success will be monitored by those in attendance who complete projects, the consistency in numbers of students that signup and later become volunteers with the program. Even the attraction of truancy students who desire to turn themselves around and attend school on a regular schedule.
Program Areas Served
Nashville (MNPS Public Schools, North Nashville
We cook and package food once a month for the Homeless. This Community Outreach program includes our Annual Back to School Stuff Backpack drives that we conduct in the month of July and August for the Youth as the prepare to Return to school. We also allocate these funds towards our annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner. Also within this program, we provide coats and toys during the winter months.
Program Successes
Observing individuals getting better and stay away from drugs, individuals expressing their mental health to get on the road of stability. Have a list of those in needs and actually providing in a timely matter the needed resources to make their situation better.
Human Services  - Human Services, General/Other 
Unhoused individuals
At-Risk Populations
Children and Youth (0 - 19 years)
Long-term Success
Long term success is to have connection with city resources to the point where we will become a full wrap around organization in the heart of North Nashville for the Youth, Elderly and Homeless population.
Short-term Success
Short term success is providing reading material, gift cards, meals and list of community partners.
Program Success Monitored By
The program success is monitored by the number of Partnerships obtained by Royal Table Inc so that we can get the necessary resources to service those in needs from gift cards, food, clothes and hygiene products
Program Areas Served
Nashville, TN