917 Society
Share page
P.O. Box 50704
Nashville, TN 37205
Organization Details

Board Chair

Board Chair Ms. Joni Bryan
Company Affiliation The 917 Society
Term January 2022 to December 2027
Email joni@917society.org

Board Co-Chair

Board Co-Chair Mr. David Hairston
Company Affiliation Safe Access
Term January 2022 to December 2027
Email davidhairston@917society.org

Board of Directors

Board Members
Name Affiliation Status
Ms. Joni Bryan Community Volunteer Voting
Norma Crow Choice City Homes Voting
Mr. David Hairston Community Volunteer Voting
Ms. Carol Hamby Community Volunteer Voting
Joni Hargrove retired Voting

Advisory Board Members
Name Affiliation Status
Mrs. Corinthia Elder none NonVoting
Mrs. Joni Hargrove Retired NonVoting
Mrs. Cathy Kolb Teacher NonVoting
Mr. Tommy Vallajos non NonVoting

Youth Board Members
Name Affiliation Status
Brandon Gosselin Community Volunteer NonVoting


Board Term Lengths 5.00 years
Board Term Limits 5
Board Meeting Attendance % 100%
Does the organization have written Board Selection Criteria? Under Development
Does the organization have a written Conflict of Interest Policy? Under Development
Percentage Making Monetary Contributions 100%
Percentage of Board Members making In-Kind Contributions 0
Does the Board include Client Representation? Info Not Provided
Number of Full Board Meetings Annually 4