917 Society
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P.O. Box 50704
Nashville, TN 37205
Organization Details


These are our main programs.
1)We provide a free commemorative keepsake U.S. Constitution to each eight grade teacher and each student. They may download free videos and order the books from our website. Shipping is also provided. We serve approximately 90,000 students in all 95 counties in Tennessee this year plus over 1 million in all 50 states.
2)We also have a website that will provide ongoing education, lesson plans. We are developing an interactive website with student and teacher participation.
3) We offer a Classroom Contest with cash prizes to our top entries for Constitution Day.
4) We hold a Constitution Camp each Summer.
5) We offer scholarships
Program Successes
We have increased the number of students served each year we have been in operation
Children and Youth (0 - 19 years)
K-12 (5-19 years)
Long-term Success
Our program has grown each year with our ultimate goal to serve 8th grader in all 50 states
Short-term Success
For 2024 we will reach 1.5 million students in all 50 states
Program Success Monitored By
We monitor our success by the number of students we serve.
Program Areas Served