Special Olympics Tennessee
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5115 Maryland Way Suite 300
Brentwood, TN 37027
Organization Details

Board Chair

Board Chair Ms. Jenny Smith
Company Affiliation Heritage Medical Associates
Term January 2024 to December 2026
Email anjong1978@gmail.com

Board Co-Chair

Board Co-Chair Dr. LaShaunda Massey
Company Affiliation Clinical Psychologist
Term January 2024 to December 2026
Email drlpmassey@hotmail.com

Board of Directors

Board Members
Name Affiliation Status
Mr. Mark Blaze DEX Imaging Voting
Hunter Brush Butler Snow, LLP Voting
Jerry Butler Special Olympics Athlete Voting
Mr. Mike Cairnes Kirkland's Voting
Mr. Josh Corey Tennessee Titans Voting
Chief John Drake Metro Nashville Police Department Voting
Mark Eddy HCA Voting
Yetunde Faparusi Nissan North America Voting
Ben Flatt Voting
Dr. Chris Frost LifePoint Health Voting
Adam Germek Special Olympics TN NonVoting
Kara Greer Schneider Electric Voting
Mr. Jerry Hampton Pinnacle Bank Voting
Larry Hogg Delta Dental Voting
Mr. Matt Laker Jackson National Life Insurance Voting
Klay Lesko Averitt Express Voting
Ms. Elizabeth McCreary Williamson Inc. Voting
Marshall Meier Bank of America Voting
Dr. LaShaunda Poindexter Massey Self-Employed, Clinical Psychologist Voting
Mr. Terry Saharski Nationwide Insurance Voting
Manisha Shah HCA Voting
Ms. Jenny Smith Heritage Medical Associates Voting
Mary Layne Van Cleave Retired - Tennessee Hospital Association Voting
Hayley Wielgus Voting
Mr. Ken Youngstead Kraft CPA Voting


Board Term Lengths 2.00 years
Board Term Limits 3
Board Meeting Attendance % 84%
Does the organization have written Board Selection Criteria? No
Does the organization have a written Conflict of Interest Policy? Yes
Percentage Making Monetary Contributions 100%
Percentage of Board Members making In-Kind Contributions 20%
Does the Board include Client Representation? Yes
Number of Full Board Meetings Annually 4

Standing Committees

Development / Fund Development / Fund Raising / Grant Writing / Major Gifts
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Return to Activities

Risk Management Provisions

Accident and Injury Coverage
Automobile Insurance and Umbrella or Excess Insurance
Commercial General Liability and D and O and Umbrella or Excess and Automobile and Professional
Commercial General Liability and Medical Malpractice
Computer Equipment and Software
Crime Coverage
Disability Insurance
Employment Practices Liability
Improper Sexual Conduct/Sexual Abuse
Internet Liability Insurance
Medical Health Insurance
Special Event Liability
Water Craft and Aircraft
Workers Compensation and Employers' Liability

CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments

Since the 2008, the Board and its leadership Executive/Finance Committee has worked closely with the President to manage revenues, operations, and creative programming, to ensure cost-effective delivery of programs for athletes and volunteers. This effort will continue as we shift fundraising strategies to meet an ever-changing market of charitable giving. Working with the organization's President, operational expenses have been reduced and program needs met through a balance of cuts and new fundraising. However, operational budgets have now been reduced that further reduction is unlikely and board will be placing greater attention on revenue production. Program plans have placed a focus on development of cost-effective regional events to involve additional athletes in events/activities, while reducing state events which involve much higher costs. The objective of the board is to directly serve more athletes in a more cost-effective manner while NOT diminishing the experience of the athletes or volunteers involved. In 2013 the organization established a 'Young Professionals Board' who support the organization's mission, programs, and raise funds through YPB developed projects. Membership in this group is by application and open to young professionals under the age of 40. This 'Board' has no governance authority for the organization. Two members of the YPB have moved into full Board positions. Through the YPB new and energetic professional individuals gain knowledge and leadership skills to move into governance positions on the Board. In 2019 the Board approved a new strategic plan to guide the organization. In order to stay on track, quarterly reports of progress/suggested changes are reviewed and discussed during board meetings. It is now the main focus for future growth. With the recent change in our CEO position after 29 years, re-organization is underway and the strategic plan is undergoing a significant review with changes expected and a new strategic plan starting in 2022.