Hard Bargain Mt. Hope Redevelopment Inc.
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608 Mt. Hope St.
Franklin, TN 37064
Organization Details


The lack of affordable housing is a critical issue Franklin and Williamson County. The median sales price of a house in Franklin in June 2019 was $570,000. For a low to moderate-income family, the dream of home ownership is out of reach. We are working together with residents of the Hard Bargain neighborhood, Franklin community leaders, neighborhood planning and design professionals, and the City of Franklin to offer quality, affordable homes at no profit. We use period sensitive designs to maintain the historical significance and character of the neighborhood. It is important to provide affordable housing in a wealthy county where many who serve our community cannot afford to live here.
Program Areas Served
Our Rehab Program was created to help repair the homes of low-income and elderly residents in Hard Bargain. The work is done by volunteers and contracted labor. Most low-income families cannot afford to repair their homes. If certain repairs are not taken care of, they often turn into bigger problems, costing more money. The majority of Hard Bargain's elderly residents are on fixed incomes and do not have money set aside to repair their homes. This program benefits the resident whose home is being repaired and contributes to the revitalization of the neighborhood.
Program Areas Served
In October 2012, we opened Ty's House, a community center in Hard Bargain. This was something the residents had wanted for years. We offer computer classes, cooking classes, financial management classes, and others as well as host a fall and spring festival for neighborhood residents. We have an Internet Caf? so children and adults can have access to computers and the internet. Additional educational and training programs take place throughout the year.
Program Areas Served

CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments

Our biggest challenge for our Homeownership Program is finding available lots or condemned homes to purchase in the neighborhood so we can build new homes. The biggest obstacle that is preventing this is that Hard Bargain is gentrification. Investors are seeking to buy homes in the neighborhood because of its close proximity to downtown Franklin/Main Street, knowing they can fix up homes or build new homes and make a quick profit. In our Rehab Program, our biggest challenge is finding professional contractors (plumbers, electricians, tree service, etc.) to help us fixing up the homes of elderly residents in Hard Bargain.