Mid-Cumberland Human Resource Agency
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25 Century Blvd Suite 500
Nashville, TN 37214
Organization Details


In Home Services: Essential in-home assistance to enable clients to maintain independence and self-sufficiency; free of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Meals-On-Wheels/Senior Dining: Nutritious home delivered meals brought to needy senior citizens by caring volunteers with the intent of keeping seniors independent and at home. Ombudsman: An impartial third party advocate who seeks to resolve Resident's Rights complaints and violations voiced by individuals residing in nursing homes, assisted care living facility, and homes for the aged.
Program Areas Served
Representative Payee Service: Management of finances for SSI-referred disabled persons.
Program Areas Served
Regional Transit System: Mass public transportation services/transportation to jobs for clients. Rural Planning Organization: Coordinated comprehensive transportation planning through-out the non-urbanized areas.
Program Areas Served
Community Corrections: Supervision of court-referred felony offenders. Provides certified MRT classes for offenders. Misdemeanor Management: Supervision of court-referred misdemeanor offenders. DUI School/Alcohol & Drug Prevention: State-approved 12-hour course at multiple locations.
Program Areas Served
Youth CAN: Provides eligible youth ages 16-24 with the financial and educational help they need to receive a high school diploma, HiSET, postsecondary diploma, or other qualified credential. Service area includes 32 Tennessee counties
Program Areas Served

CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments

We have the privilege of serving the 13 counties in the Mid-Cumberland region and have thoroughly enjoyed our 40+ years of service! Each day our amazing programs and their staff, some of who are on call 24/7, are keeping people healthy and in some cases alive. Three hundred sixty five days a year our transportation program transports clients to their life sustaining dialysis treatments, seniors who no longer drive to doctor appointments, and disabled adults to their jobs. The program drives 4.5 million miles a year which is equivalent of traveling to the moon and back 9 times. For the seniors in the region, our Mid-Cumberland Meals on Wheels program delivers over 300,000 meals a year delivered by caring volunteers who often foster a sense a family for lonely seniors. We firmly believe we are "more than just a meal"! Our In Home Services works with seniors and the disabled keeping 85% of them living independently. The Ombudsmen program serves 13,351 Middle Tennessee seniors residing in long term care facilities helping them resolve complaints so those with no advocate have a voice. Our Youth CAN program ensures out of school, low income youth have a chance to attain their education and employment goals. The program proudly has an 90 % rate of youth who graduate or become employed as participants during their time in the program. From youth to seniors, we enable the vulnerable in our region to have better lives, and this is only possible because of awesome staff, wonderful volunteers, and generous donors!