4:13 Strong, Inc.
To break the cycle of poverty, crime and dependency by providing faith-based educational, vocational, and life skills training.
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In addition to funding, how can someone support your organization?
Financial support is always appreciated. Donate through our secure website or by mailing a check to P.O. Box 101425, Nashville, TN 37224. In addition to financial donations, we appreciate donations of food items, men's clothing items, general household items (towels, sheets, blankets, kitchen supplies, bathroom supplies, etc.) and toiletries (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, etc.). Volunteers are needed and welcomed! Fellowship and mentorship opportunities with the guys in the program include Bible studies, morning workouts, game nights, dinners, lunch and learn, and more. Please sign up through our website today!
Would you like to be a 4:13 Strong job partner? We partner with companies in the construction and trades industries in the Nashville area and are always seeking to expand our job partner network to bring more opportunities for our men. Visit the Get Involved tab on our website for more information.
Organization Information
Find Volunteer Opportunities
Executive Director/CEO
Steve Norris
Board Chair
Craig Carmon
Year of Incorporation