Wilson County Black History Committee
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P.O. Box 391
Lebanon, TN 37088
Organization Details
The Wilson County Black History Committee has a vision and mission to share the heritage, arts, and culture of African Americans who lived in Wilson County by restoring Pickett Chapel, a slave-built 1827 sanctuary, into a museum for education, events, and exhibits.
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The Wilson County Black History Committee (WCBHC) invites the community to support its vision and mission of restoring Pickett Chapel, a slave-built 1827 sanctuary, which was originally a white church from 1827 until 1856 before the Civil War, and later became a black church during Reconstruction from 1866 in Lebanon until the congregation moved in 1973. WCBHC has an annual calendar of programming at its new Annex on its site, beginning with the MLK Day March & Motorcade in January through festivities around Kwanzaa in December.

Under a strategic five-year plan, Pickett Chapel will become a living history, arts, and cultural museum for education, events, and exhibits by 2027 for its 200th anniversary year.
WCBHC seeks federal, state, county, city and local grants for historic preservation of this landmark on the National Register of Historic Places since April 1977 and a United Methodist National Historic Site since October 1980. WCBHC will also be commemorating its 20th year as a nonprofit in 2023 in the State of Tennessee.

Pickett Chapel adheres to the National Park Service (NPS) Secretary of the Interior Standards for construction on the building, and complies with the Tennessee Main Street Program in Lebanon within its Square Historic Preservation District.

WCBHC accepts donations from public and private foundations, and real and in-kind support from major corporations to small businesses. We welcome those professionals who want to serve on our Board of Directors, lend their expertise in their respective fields, or may offer their assistance for our projects. WCBHC would also like to appeal to employees with company match programs---or who may want to volunteer service hours---to join us at our monthly meetings.

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Executive Director/CEO
Mary Harris
Board Chair
Mary Harris
Year of Incorporation