Fallen Heroes Family Camp Inc
3201 Dickerson Pike #512
Nashville, TN 37207
Nashville, TN 37207
Our mission is to serve our Gold Star & First Responder families left behind after the loss of their hero. Fallen Heroes Family Camp was developed and operates in Nashville TN. Here we want families to gather and find solace and support, experience common interests, and take steps to gain focus on life again. We will have different program/experiences throughout the year, they will include, music by having songwriters sit down with a family member and create a song from their experiences. Maybe an outdoor adventure, recreation, relaxation & social interactions with other affected families. There will be events around the city and support from caring individuals. The ultimate goal is to help strengthen the family after a loss, help children understand their opportunities and potential and give all members of the family of all ages including the immediate family members a positive outlook for the future.
In addition to funding, how can someone support your organization?
We have volunteer opportunities available, please feel free to reach out to us for more information through our website.We also have sponsorship programs available to participate in to help with our fundraising and special events.
Organization Information
Executive Director/CEO
Pattee Williams
Board Chair
Felicia Keith - Jones
Year of Incorporation