Fiddlers Grove Foundation, Inc.
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945 E. Baddour Parkway
Lebanon, TN 37087
Organization Details
Mission Statement - "To preserve the history of Wilson County, Tennessee and its heritage arts and skills. This will be done by preserving buildings, artifacts, oral and written histories, with a focus on Wilson County's folklife/traditional arts and agricultural life, both past and present." The Foundation will engage the public through preservation, interpretation, exhibitions, education, publications, and hands-on experiences.

Music Museum - new in late 2022 - early 2023!

Fiddlers Grove Promo
Fiddlers Grove Tornado Damage
Take a Walk Through Fiddlers Grove
Sam Houstons Office
School House
Schoolhouse pic 2
Blacksmith at work
Blacksmith 2
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In addition to funding, how can someone support your organization?
Ways to Donate - Mail in check to Fiddlers Grove Historic Village, 945 E. Baddour Parkway, Lebanon, TN 37087, or visit and donate in person! Volunteer Opportunities - We need volunteers Tuesday through Saturday to help in General Store as clerks, village tour guides, model train museum operator, and outside maintenance workers for the gardens and landscaping.

Organization Information
Executive Director/CEO
Executive Director
Board Chair
Pat Ryan
Year of Incorporation