Harpeth Conservancy
Harpeth Conservancy is a science-based conservation organization whose mission is to restore and protect clean water and healthy ecosystems for rivers in Tennessee. Our rivers, including the Harpeth, are part of the unique river systems of the Southeast, which contain some of the greatest variety of aquatic life in the world. Harpeth Conservancy protects these vital resources by employing scientific expertise and collaborative relationships to develop, promote and support broad community stewardship and action.
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In addition to funding, how can someone support your organization?
Harpeth Conservancy accepts checks by mail. Credit/debit card donations can be made on our website: www.harpethconservancy.org/donatenow and over the phone by calling 615-790-9767. Harpeth Conservancy is the beneficiary of the 'Protecting Rivers and Clean Water' TN specialty license plate that was released in November 2015. To find out how to get your plate today, please visit www.RiverplateTN.org. Your purchase of this specialty license plate will support a permanent stream of revenue for the protection of clean water and rivers across the state of TN. There are several ways to 'get your feet wet' as a volunteer throughout the year: *cleanup events *stream restoration projects *tree plantings *attending recreational and educational events *participating in citizen science projects *engaging friends and neighbors to enjoy and protect Tennessee rivers. We always need volunteers for our river restoration, scientific and educational efforts, but we also hope to engage individuals and organizations with a broad range of talents. Please call us or visit https://harpethconservancy.org/get-involved/volunteer/ to see how you can support our mission for clean water in TN. We look forward to welcoming you on our crew!
Organization Information
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Executive Director/CEO
Grace Stranch
Board Chair
Courtney Laginess
Year of Incorporation