Cooper Trooper Foundation
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227 Chester Stevens Road
Franklin, TN 37067
Organization Details


CTF Courage Kits are available to any well sibling when a child is diagnosed with cancer in a family. It can be requested through hospital staff who utilize our Courage Kits on hand or ordered via a form on our website. Each kit contains items specifically developed to support the often overlooked, siblings of children with cancer. Items are specific to both younger and older kids/teens and include a Trooper t-shirt, courage medal, Awareness Bracelet, a book specific to siblings of children with cancer (different book depending on age), Journal & Pen, stuffed Koala for younger kids (*Book in younger kids' courage kit relates to a story involving stuffed Koala), Socks and gift card are included for older kids and teens, and informational brochures and resources for parents are included in both older and younger kids' courage kits. These comfort items help to remind the sibling that they are important during a time when their sick sibling is receiving the majority of attention.
Program Successes
More testimony/photos from families who have actually received our Courage Kits. Feedback from Social workers and Child Life Specialists on the impact of our Courage Kits to the families going through a cancer diagnosis at their hospital or cancer center.
Human Services  - Services for Specific Populations 
People/Families of People with Cancer
Long-term Success
Increase in number of siblings reached each year through the program
Short-term Success
More hospitals aware of and receiving Courage Kits as a resource for families
Program Success Monitored By
Numbers of Courage Kits distributed, individually through online requests and number of Hospital inquiries and requests during the year. Addition of new hospital partners to receive and distribute our kits.
Program Areas Served
The Cooper Trooper Foundation is committed to financially funding pediatric cancer research through an endowed fund set up withe Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hopsital. The fact remains that cancer is the #1 killing disease of America's children yet childhood cancer research only receives 4% of the National Cancer Institute budget and virtually no pharmaceutical research funds are allocated to childhood cancers. The money CTF gives to the endowment fund at Vanderbilt is dedicated to pediatric cancer research. The Cooper Trooper Foundation Pediatric Cancer Research Endowment Fund was a $100,000 financial commitment over a 5 year period. In September 2015, this goal was met, one year in advance of the commitment deadline. As of September 2021, this fund has received $375,000 from Cooper Trooper Foundation.
Program Successes
The funds specific to our program can be measured with an annual report from Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt and Vanderbilt Medical Center on any advances made by the researcher to whom our funding is dedicated. For example, in 2020, Dr. Pastakia sent a report outlining a clinical drug trial that was developed due to our research dollars, in part, to his development of this.
Children and Youth (0 - 19 years)
People/Families of People with Cancer
Long-term Success
Cure for childhood cancer
Short-term Success
New drugs, trials, and treatment geared specifically to childhood cancers
Program Success Monitored By
Statistics on child and adolescent cancer incidence are collected by the National Cancer Institute's (NCI) SEER Program (Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results). NCI's Childhood Cancer Data Initiative (CCDI) is building a community centered around childhood cancer care and research data. Through enhanced data sharing, the goal is to improve understanding of cancer biology to improve preventive measures, treatment, quality of life, and survivorship, as well as ensure that researchers learn from every child with cancer. The United States Cancer Statistics (USCS) are the official federal cancer statistics. They come from combined cancer registry data collected by CDC's National Program of Cancer Registries and the National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program. Long term success of funding childhood cancer research will be determined by these numbers and a result of combined efforts to fund research.
Program Areas Served
In 2018, CTF agreed to a $100,000 commitment to fund a private family infusion/treatment room at Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt. The hospital is currently undergoing expansion and renovations to improve many areas of the hospital including Oncology. With this expansion, there are 10 rooms being designated as private rooms for a child to receive treatment, in which their family can be a part. Currently, clinic patients and those receiving infusion are crowded into one room together, along with other family members, and there is no privacy. This would provide the opportunity for a sick child and their family to have a little privacy when receiving treatment, instead of being out in the middle of an open room with patients and non-patients walking through, etc. As of 2019 the commitment was fully funded. Hospital renovations are still underway, due to delays with Covid-19.
People/Families of People with Cancer
Program Areas Served
The Pumpkin Patch is at the corner of Cool Springs and Mallory for the entire month of October where we have the opportunity to sell pumpkins for a purpose. The pumpkin patch is currently our primary financial fundraiser but it is also our main outreach for hands on community awareness & education. During the month of October, we have access to over 10,000 people to share the story of the impact of childhood cancer on a family. We are able to educate the community on the Cooper Trooper Foundation's mission and bring awareness to the fight to find a cure through pediatric cancer research. Education and awareness are key to changing the long term battle of childhood cancer. Our pumpkins are purchased from local farmers and delivered via trucking services we pay for to have them brought to us. After we sell the pumpkins, the profit (after we have paid for the pumpkins and operational expenses) belongs to the Cooper Trooper Foundation.
General Public
People/Families of People with Cancer
Program Areas Served