Moves & Grooves, Inc.
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301 S. Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 100
Nashville, TN 37211
Organization Details

Board Chair

Board Chair Charlandra Watson
Company Affiliation Schneider Electric
Term January 2024 to January 2027

Board Co-Chair

Board Co-Chair Jim Robert
Company Affiliation Retired Nonprofit Executive
Term July 2020 to June 2027

Board of Directors

Board Members
Name Affiliation Status
Marina Carrier Voting
Camillia Clayton Voting
Howard Gentry Voting
Carla Hawkins Voting
Mr. Herman Hicks First Tennessee Bank Voting
Ron Hodges Voting
Ms. Chloe Major Price Waterhouse Cooper Voting
Mr. Chase Manning Dowdle Construction Voting
Joslyn McGaughy Voting
Dr. Emerald Mitchell Moves & Grooves Executive Director Exofficio
Dell Oliver Healthcare Coaching Group Voting
Mr. Jim Robert Retired Nonprofit Executive Voting
Shane Stevens LLH Technology Voting
Kristle Thompson Voting
Ms. Charlandra Watson Schneider Electric Voting


Board Term Lengths 3.00 years
Board Term Limits 2
Board Meeting Attendance % 85%
Does the organization have written Board Selection Criteria? Yes
Does the organization have a written Conflict of Interest Policy? Yes
Percentage Making Monetary Contributions 90%
Percentage of Board Members making In-Kind Contributions 25%
Does the Board include Client Representation? No
Number of Full Board Meetings Annually 6

Standing Committees

Development / Fund Raising

Risk Management Provisions

Commercial General Liability
Improper Sexual Conduct/Sexual Abuse

CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments

Giving has to be a part of your core as an individual and as a leader. The reward felt from giving my time to an organization that gives back in the form of growing children that becomes successful contributors in their communities is indescribable. Being a member on the board of Moves and Groves allows me those opportunities; to give and to receive. Giving and receiving to a worthy cause does not happen without some hurdles. Moves and Groves is a clear example of giving more than they receive. They are able to overcome the hurdles of not having enough money at times to support the kids in the communities they serve, but still are able to make ends meet every day for the children and for the staff. Although finances have been hurdles at times, these hurdles have given the leader of Moves and Grooves, Emerald Mitchell, the motivation to continue to work harder for the children that attend their programs. Their challenges are met with successes as we see children grow and see their dreams come true through dance and physical expression which is not often accomplished in public school systems these days. Every life touched by Moves and Grooves is a success story to their family and to their community. I couldn't be more proud to serve as a board member of Moves and Grooves and help in any capacity possible. This organization feeds my passion for community service and help kids and families that otherwise might not have these opportunities had it not been for Moves and Grooves. ~ Delphine Oliver, Previous Board Member