Education Equal Opportunity Group, Inc . / EEOG
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4120 Buena View Court PO Box 24056
Nashville, TN 37202
Organization Details


The Annual Project Save-A-Student Leadership and Training Conference (PSAS) is EEOG's initiative to expose students to alternatives to: dropping out of school; underachieving their goals; and not being a productive citizens. EEOG's program is a three-day conference experience that provides leadership training, networking training, vision casting, legislature exposure and a photo opt with the Governor of Tennessee. Additionally, students discover new career options, experience life on a college campus, and learn to maximize their leadership potential. The EEOG's empowerment philosophy draws 350+ college-bound high school students and industry professionals from the public and private sectors who are committed to the mission of the EEOG. Conference highlights include our Meet the College President Series, Career Speed Networking Experience, leadership workshops, exclusive skill-building offerings like our popular Elevator Pitch and the "Dress for Success" competition.
Program Areas Served
EEOG's Educational Speakers Series Program (ESSP) is a recurring mentoring initiative of notable speakers (Executive, Inspirational, Motivational, Influential, etc.) designed to engage, inspire and encourage students to employ best practices and strategies to maximize their inherent potential. Past speakers have explored topics of: Life Lessons Essential for Academic and Business Success; Politics; Social justice; Film and other media; Fine arts; and Human diversity. Additionally, context consistent with: Character building; Community service; Citizen Development; Civility interaction; Commitment to cause; and Literacy acquisition are subject matter topics inclusive to this program.
Program Areas Served
Leaders Are Readers Program LARP is a new program which includes a tactical approach to help students with reading deficiencies in grades 9 thru 12. Our goal is to quickly improve their reading skills and overall academic performance. LARP is a moderately intensive interactive reader's skill building block. LARP serves students with reading deficiencies in grades 9 thru 12, aiming towards high school completion. LARP helps low- income young women and men from challenging backgrounds to find success in literacy, i.e. reading, writing, and speech. It is a 5- week empowerment program designed to help students read with proficiency, to become 'College, Career, and Society ready". Provide a description of the project and explain how the funds requested will be used. LARP is a moderately intensive interactive reader's skill building block that is predicated upon a three-prong construct: 1) Restoration of hope and confidence; 2) Opening doors to academic success; and 3) Expanding potential. LARP serves students with reading deficiencies in grades 9 thru 12, aiming towards high school completion.
Program Areas Served
EEOG's Summer Enrichment and Technology Program (SE&TP) is an initiative to bolster: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) skills; Finance basic acumen; and Language-Spanish exposure for EEOG enrolled students. Constructive learning activities include: Basic android app coding/video game design; Web-site design and maintenance; Banking basic skill performance; Conversational Spanish practicum in a common place classroom; and Soft Skills training is an authentic environment. The EEOG's Summer Leadership and Technology Camp core focus is to teach college bound high school students 1. Basic Android Coding, 2 Conversational Spanish 3. Learn critical behind the unseen banking operations such as terms, careers as well as auto and home financing
Program Areas Served
The Career Speed Networking Program (CSNP) is EEOG's authentic student experience of holistic elements and understandings of the world of work. This constructive activity encompasses the essential qualities of: 1) Business Card, Essay of Application, and Resume formulation (exposition skill); 2) Multiple one-on-one three (3) minute interviews (speaking "Standard English" skill) with top executives and business leaders from the public and private sectors; 3) Development of a 30 second self-marketing elevator pitch of (student's) employment attributes; and 4) Instruction on appropriate dress code parameters for work environment(s). Additionally, "Soft Skills" of the world of work are introduced, demonstrated, and reinforced during the program.
Program Areas Served

CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments

During my freshman year in college, my best friend and business partner's untimely death due to gun violence was an enormous obstacle for me to get through several years ago. The idea that one person could make a difference inspired me to do something great. Several years later the birth of the concept of the Education Equal Opportunity Group (EEOG) was born. The premise was simple, "You cannot be, what you cannot see"; therefore, the EEOG centers its programs on providing students with direct access to top successful industry experts from humble beginnings, who actively share their strategies and success guides toward the roadmaps out of poverty and having meaningful lives. states that "Youth violence is a significant problem that affects thousands of young people each day, and in turn, their families, schools, and communities. Youth violence and crime affect a community's economic health, as well as individuals' physical and mental health and well-being. Homicide is the third leading cause of death for youth in the United States. In 2016, more than 530,000 young people ages 10-24 were treated in emergency departments for injuries sustained from violence."