Friends of Franklin Parks, Inc.
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P.O. Box 549
Franklin, TN 37065
Organization Details

Board Chair

Board Chair Jay Sheridan
Company Affiliation Sheridan PR
Term January 2022 to December 2023

Board of Directors

Board Members
Name Affiliation Status
Adam Ballash Boyle Investment Company Voting
Hamilton Bowman EnableComp Voting
Amy Cross Nance Attorney at Law Voting
Tom Curl Triumph Bank Voting
Chad Dannenfelser Avanir Voting
Clay Harlin Harlin Farms Voting
Zack Hawayek NBC Sports Group- GolfNow Voting
Ashley Hill FirstBank Voting
Craige Hoover SVP of Leasing and Development of SouthHall Farms Voting
Will Kesler Battle Ground Academy Voting
Commissioner David Landrum Landrum Stables Voting
Mary Looney Community Volunteer Voting
Braton Machleit Buzz'd Fly Fishing Voting
Jan Marshall A. Marshall Hospitality Voting
Jo Ellen McDowell Community Volunteer Voting
Monty McInturff DVM Tennessee Equine Hospital Voting
Meredith McKellar Community Volunteer Voting
Bob Ravener Ravener & Company Voting
Ashley Roberts Daniel-Christian Real Estate Voting
Matt Roberts Stites & Harbison Voting
Jay Sheridan Sheridan Public Relations, LLC Voting
Susan Smallwood Susan Smallwood Interiors Voting
Katie Spence Jackson National LIfe Insurance Company Voting
Gary Vogrin Kiser + Vogrin Design, LLC Voting

Advisory Board Members
Name Affiliation Status
Jamey Parker Morgan Stanley Wealth Management


Board Term Lengths 3.00 years
Board Term Limits Info Not Provided
Board Meeting Attendance % 80%
Does the organization have written Board Selection Criteria? Under Development
Does the organization have a written Conflict of Interest Policy? Yes
Percentage Making Monetary Contributions 100%
Percentage of Board Members making In-Kind Contributions 100%
Does the Board include Client Representation? Info Not Provided
Number of Full Board Meetings Annually 12

Standing Committees

Campus Planning and Development
Communications / Promotion / Publicity / Public Relations
Development / Fund Development / Fund Raising / Grant Writing / Major Gifts

Risk Management Provisions

Commercial General Insurance
Commercial General Liability

CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments

We have two advisory committees that make recommendations to our board:Harlinsdale Committee Riverwalk and Trails Committee