Tennessee Wildlife Federation
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300 Orlando Avenue
Nashville, TN 37209
Organization Details

Board Chair

Board Chair Mr. Allen Carter
Company Affiliation Athens Insurance
Term February 2024 to January 2027
Email boardchair@tnwf.org

Board of Directors

Board Members
Name Affiliation Status
Mr. Allen Carter Athens Insurance Voting
Mr. Craig Connors Community Volunteer Voting
Mr. Allen Corey Miller & Martin, PLLC Voting
Mr. Derek Curry Grasslands Environmental Voting
Mr. Marcus Dortch Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine Voting
Mr. Bruce Fox Fox and Farley Voting
Dr. Lynn Gayden Baptist Memorial Hospital for Women Voting
Mr. Troy Goldsby Jones Fish Hatcheries & Distributors LLC Voting
Mr. Bobby Goode Jr. Community Volunteer Voting
Ms. Kathy Griffin Robertson Manufacturing Voting
Mr. Dan Hammond American Hometown Media Voting
Mr. Terry Lewis Real-Time Construction Voting
Mr. Robert Lineberger Diversified Trust Co. Voting
Mr. Sam Mars III Mars Properties Voting
Mr. Don Nalls Nalls Sherbakoff Group Voting
Mr. Chris Nischan Owner, Rod & Gun Guide Service Voting
Mr. William Oehmig Kestrel Capital, LLC Voting
Mr. Bobby Pidgeon Jr. Pidgeon Company Voting
Mrs. Elesha Reid Community Volunteer Voting
MR. John Ross Ross & Barlow Voting
Ms. Deborah Tipton Community Volunteer Voting
Mr. Ric Wolbrecht Raymond James/Morgan Keegan Voting

Advisory Board Members
Name Affiliation Status
Mr. Svend Brooks The Worsham Group NonVoting
Mr. Albert Buckley Jr. Buckley Real Estate NonVoting
Mr. Tyler Congleton Blackberry Farms Real Estate, LLC NonVoting
Mr. Bill Cox McGinnis Oil Co, LLC NonVoting
Mr. Bill Dance Bill Dance Outdoors NonVoting
Mrs. Libby Duff Community Volunteer NonVoting
Mr. Phillip Fulmer Sr. Northshore Management NonVoting
Mr. Sheldon Hightower Tennessee State Conservationist NonVoting
Mr. Bob Hodge IHS Markit NonVoting
Mr. Mike Kelly Jimmy Kelly's Restaurant NonVoting
Mr. Jim Maddox Cochran Maddox NonVoting
Mr. Bill Murphree Cumberland and Western Resources NonVoting
Mr. Colin Reed Ryman Hospitality Properties NonVoting
Mr. Tom Rice Sweeping Corporation of America NonVoting
Mr. Holt Shoaf Farmer NonVoting
Dr. David Sloas Community Volunteer NonVoting
Dr. Ben West Lone Oaks Farm/University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture NonVoting

Other Board Members
Name Affiliation Status
Mr. Zach Anderson Tractor Supply Company NonVoting


Board Term Lengths 3.00 years
Board Term Limits 3
Board Meeting Attendance % 80%
Does the organization have written Board Selection Criteria? Yes
Does the organization have a written Conflict of Interest Policy? Yes
Percentage Making Monetary Contributions 100%
Percentage of Board Members making In-Kind Contributions 6%
Does the Board include Client Representation? Yes
Number of Full Board Meetings Annually 4

Standing Committees

Board Governance
Development / Fund Raising
Program / Program Planning

Risk Management Provisions

Automobile Insurance
Commercial General Liability
Commercial General Liability and D and O and Umbrella or Excess and Automobile and Professional
Directors and Officers Policy
General Property Coverage
Medical Health Insurance
Special Event Liability
Umbrella or Excess Insurance