Neighbor 2 Neighbor
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PO Box 100941
Nashville, TN 37224
Organization Details



Neighbor 2 Neighbor equips residents and neighborhood organizations with the tools they need to build safer and more vibrant neighborhoods.


Initially, Neighbor 2 Neighbor (formerly the Neighborhoods Resource Center) was incubated within the Council of Community Services in 1997, but was incorporated as a stand-alone nonprofit organization in 1999. Like many cities across the nation, Nashville was experiencing significant demographic changes. Within the metropolitan area, residents recognized they could address many of these changes and challenges when they came together to form neighborhood associations. In the early 1970's there were only a few organized neighborhoods. The number of associations rose significantly in the years following but then dropped sharply over the past two decades. Today, with a new wave of demographic changes, neighborhood organizations are one again on the rise. N2N was created to empower residents to proactively effect change within their immediate environment, thus improving the overall quality of life in their neighborhood. Our mission continues to support neighborhoods by equipping residents and neighborhood organizations with the tools they need to build safer and more vibrant neighborhoods. We accomplish this mission through the training and mentoring of neighborhood leaders, networking opportunities that bring leaders together, and consultation including facilitation and mediation.


As we reflect on calendar year 2022, we are happy to report that our organization is growing in strength and numbers. Total attendance for our training and networking events reached 686 participants. This resulted in N2N serving residents from over 108 neighborhoods across the Metro area. Some of our highlights include the following:


We were able to move back to an in-person Conference for Neighborhoods in April. The conference was held for the first time at the Music City Convention Center. Over 200 neighborhood and community leaders attend the conference that featured an Exhibit Hall, Opening Plenary (Mission: Possible), 15 breakout sessions, and an Awards Luncheon. As one former participant told us, "I can't decide which was more valuable -- the people and contacts that I met or the information I learned in the breakout sessions." We conducted a post-conference evaluation in which participants indicated the following impacts:

- 81% told us that the conference, "generated new insights and solutions"
- 78.6% shared that they were were, "able to connect with other neighborhood leaders and community partners"
- 76.2% reported that they felt, "felt inspired and/or encouraged as a result of the conference"
- 73.8% indicated that they, "received important information and resources to help" them and their organizations


In August, N2N released its inaugural State of Metro Neighborhoods Report. The 36-page report outlines the top challenges facing our local neighborhoods, including rapid development, neighborhood safety, litter and illegal dumping, disaster preparedness and recovery, and the lack of engaged neighbors and willing leaders. The report is significant in that it speaks to the breadth and depth of these challenges:

- 79% of responding neighborhood organizations rapid development as a top issue facing their neighborhood
- 75% of the responding organizations indicated that neighborhood safety concerns are a top issue
- Litter and illegal dumping are significantly impacting the quality of life in many neighborhoods
- Most neighborhoods are not prepared for a major disaster (flood, tornado, train derailment, etc.)
- We need caretakers in every neighborhood striving to preserve and improve the place where they live

The full report is available for download on our website.


N2N hosted our inaugural Conference on Neighborhood Disaster Preparedness and Response. The conference brought together resident leaders from 48 neighborhoods and connected them to key leadership in disaster response. Equally important, the conference developed more informed neighborhood leadership capable of preparing for and responding to disasters. As a result of the conference N2N has developed the Household Disaster Preparedness curriculum with the Office of Emergency Management. This program, in partnership with local neighborhood organizations, takes a 90-minute workshop directly into neighborhoods to help the residents prepare for possible disasters.


This annual festival returned in September after a two-year pause due to the pandemic. Over 2,500 people attend the festival held this year in Madison.

AARP Workshops -- "Ignite Your Neighborhood Passion"

Thanks to a grant from AARP, N2N hosted five lunch and learn events at FiftyForward and Metro Parks community centers. Over 80 fifty and over participants joined in the discussions on ways to become more actively engaged in making a positive difference in their neighborhoods.


N2N is working to create a city of connected communities where residents know their neighbors and work together to preserve and improve their neighborhoods. Here are five ways that you can help us:

1. Attend our Training and Networking Events -- Get to know us and learn how to be an effective neighborhood leader.
2. Get involved in your neighborhood. Work with your neighbors to start or strengthen your neighborhood organization.
3. Donate. The course registration fees only cover a fraction of our budget of $300,000 annually. We welcome individual gifts and corporate support.
4. Volunteer. We need short-term and long-term volunteers. We are currently seeking a volunteer Director of Marketing & Communications as well as a Social Media Coordinator.
5. Tell your friends and neighbors about us.

CEO Statement

When Margaret* came into our training center a few years ago, she was in tears. She was 70 years old and had never chaired a meeting before in her life. She had been "voluntold" that she would be the new neighborhood association president. She loved her neighborhood, but was terrified about leading the association and wanted to resign. Margaret began taking our classes. Upon completion of the program, Margaret told us that she felt ready to make a difference. She went back to her neighborhood and was a very effective leader. Margaret later told us that one of her greatest successes was the day the Mayor came to visit with her neighbors. She had realized that the Mayor had never been to a neighborhood meeting before. She called the Mayor's office and told them she wanted the Mayor to come. To her surprise, the Mayor came and talked to her and her neighbors.

There are good neighbors everywhere in our community who want to make a positive difference. We are here to help neighbors succeed in preserving and improving their neighborhoods. When you support Neighbor 2 Neighbor you are investing in our local neighborhoods and the residents working to make a difference.

If you want to make a positive difference in your own neighborhood, we invite you to give us a call or send us an email to schedule a visit. We'd love to get to know you better.

There are two primary ways to support our organization. Our organization welcomes volunteers to support our short-term and long-term needs. We also welcome financial contributions. Please feel free to contact me to schedule a visit and explore ways that you can make a difference here.

Visit our website to learn more at

Board Chair Statement

Nashville continues to be one of the fastest growing cities in the country and has sometimes been referred to as the "It City" of the South drawing almost 100 new residents per day. As a Nashville native, I have witnessed first-hand both the positive and negative impacts that result with such rapid growth and change. While change is inevitable, I believe with the right level of planning and engagement, we can have a positive impact on the change we would like to see.

A few years ago, I was a newly elected neighborhood leader in the Haywood Lane area. My wife and I were in search of other leaders to exchange best practices and lessons learned. Neighbor 2 Neighbor provided us the opportunity to participate in leadership training sessions, meet with various local government agencies, network with other neighborhood leaders, and they even facilitated our first neighborhood planning session. This led me to get more involved with the organization and eventually apply for a board position.

Today, I serve as the N2N Board of Directors Chair and one of the most important things I have learned is that, "Great Neighborhoods Don't Happen by Accident," they happen because of great neighbors working together. If you're looking for ways to make a positive impact on all the changes happening here, please consider supporting Neighbor 2 Neighbor by becoming a member today. We exist as a member-driven nonprofit organization to help residents succeed.

Our team of committed staff and volunteers is helping to build a network of committed residents and neighborhood organizations across the metropolitan area. We are inspiring, engaging, training, mentoring, connecting and collaborating with people from all walks of life who want to preserve and improve their neighborhoods.

If you want to be part of our team and this mission, please give what you can. Visit our website to learn more at

Service Categories

Primary Category: Community Improvement, Capacity Building  - Community & Neighborhood Development 
Secondary Category: Public & Societal Benefit  - Leadership Development 
Tertiary Category: Public & Societal Benefit  - Citizen Participation 

Areas Served

We primarily serve residents and neighborhood organizations within Metropolitan Nashville and Davidson County (TN). However, C4N Nashville has attendees from as far away as Memphis, Chattanooga, Bowling Green (KY), and Gary (IN).

TN - Davidson