Preventive Health Initiative
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2933 Berry Hill Drive Suite A
Nashville, TN 37204
Organization Details


We have developed a preventive health framework to be added to the current healthcare system model. This will require cooperation from entities at the national, state, and local levels as well as require support from corporations and insurance companies. The focus will be on providing patients with a true, in-person, preventive health resource which will be primary care referral based. In addition, this resource will be supported by online audiovisual health education, public benefit tv, radio, and online advertisements, and additional preventive health audio visual resources to be directed to middle and high school students. This framework will utilize existing resources to minimize costs and provides for health insurance incentives for patients. We are in the initial stages of contacting entities that will be necessary to obtain this parallel healthcare system resource.
Program Successes
To date, there have been no comprehensive initiatives to add a true preventive health framework to our healthcare system. This will be the first, and if implemented initially on a statewide basis, this will serve as the example to develop this resource across the entire United States.
Long-term Success
A healthier United States and worldwide population. Although this seems like an ambitious goal, when this cost effective preventive health resource is added to the current system, even a small percentage of patients who benefit and achieve goals will mean massive cost savings for patients, insurance companies, and all involved entities.
Short-term Success
A better educated and professionally supported public that will initiate the path to better health.
Program Success Monitored By
Statistics and research provided by all involved entities.
Program Areas Served
Tennessee, other US States, Entire United States, International
Freely available internet based health education to include the best exercise interventions from a medical and science perspective. Exercise focus will be on efficiency and effectiveness. Additional topics will include nutrition, habit/lifestyle change, mental health, and the importance of health maintenance.
Program Successes
An educated person is a successful person. When gym or home exercise becomes not so scary or an individual knows exactly what to do, how to do it, and why, success will follow. We have many clients who have obtained success with in-person interventions. This simply provides the same professional guidance, but in a multimedia format.
Long-term Success
Health and mobility for a lifetime. No preventable chronic disease. No back/neck pain.
Short-term Success
Less back and neck pain, less chronic pain, better lab values, greater physical function, etc.
Program Success Monitored By
Statistics, primary care feedback
Program Areas Served
Tennessee, United States, International
This umbrella program covers several areas of emphasis including musculoskeletal and entire body system health, This program uses clinical exercise interventions, nutrition & diet education & support, as well as emphasizing habit & lifestyle change. A licensed health professional provides all education and training in coordination with the client's primary care physician. Interventions are offered to all ages. Specialty interventions are available for those with back & neck pain and a homecare preventive health service for Seniors.

* We are currently limiting this program offering due to expense and lack of funding

Program Successes
Several osteoporosis clients were able to stop taking Fosamax / Boniva under primary care physician supervision. These medications have many side effects so it's always a win if they can limit these. Clients have been able to avoid spinal surgery to address disc issues by consistently using learned interventions to strengthen the spine and nourish discs not only preventing further disability but also saving money for invasive medical procedures that were not needed. Seniors report feeling more confident on their feet with less worry about hip fractures and falls. Typically, weight loss and metabolic / hormonal support clients are shocked that it doesn't take moving mountains to make a significant change with their health. By understanding food's effect on the body including significant oxidative cellular stress causing DNA mutations, they begin to look at food differently decreasing consumption. Clients report that they are now comfortable when going into a gym for the first time
Long-term Success
(1) Osteoporosis prevention & support - clients will realize increased bone density, prevent fractures and be able to avoid osteoporosis medications that have significant side effects.
(2) Spinal & joint support - clients will realize significantly decreased neck/back/shoulder/knee and other joint pain as well as limiting/eliminating pain medication, medical procedures, and surgery.
(3) Mobility support - Seniors will increase full body strength, increasing balance, and decrease risk for falls
(4) Weight loss - achieve normal BMI with elimination of chronic health conditions related to obesity.
(5) Metabolic & hormonal support - blood pressure, cholesterol, HgbA1c, thyroid levels, and other lab values restored to normal levels without medication.
(6) Clinical strength training program - the client will realize optimal musculoskeletal & whole body health and be able to continue this preventive health intervention on their own indefinitely.
Short-term Success
(1) Osteoporosis prevention & support - clients will understand progressive resistance exercise & how to use it to effectively increase bone density.
(2) Spinal & joint support - clients will understand how to strengthen joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments and understand the importance of consistency.
(3) Mobility support - Seniors will understand and be able to perform specific exercises to strengthen legs and entire body.
(4) Weight loss - clients will understand metabolism, body composition, nutrition and the most efficient, effective exercise interventions.
(5) Metabolic & hormonal support - the client will understand the science & relationship between organ / body system health and diet / exercise.
(6) Clinical strength training program - after 4 to 6 weeks the client will be able to walk into any gym and understand what body parts each piece of equipment works, how the exercise affects their body, and how to be efficient and effective with all exercise interventions.
Program Success Monitored By
Overall success is dependent upon consistent client participation as well as understanding the education provided in order to be able to continue with learned interventions indefinitely own their own. By maintaining regular contact with the client even after training and education sessions are complete, we will be able to determine if the client needs additional in-person help in order to reach goals, We concentrate on making interventions as efficient as possible to fit any schedule as consistency is key. We gather program effectiveness data via client feedback on both written and online forms and in addition, client notes are taken during each session. After 4 to 6 weeks, an exercise session goal is to have the client initiate and progress through a learned exercise routine with as little guidance as possible. They will be able to verbally describe to the health professional what muscles and joints are effected with each exercise and how it is effecting their specific condition.
Program Areas Served
Davidson County, TN, Williamson County, TN, Middle TN
Primarily homecare based. Dr. Christopher May currently provides this service. The intention is to work with older adults to create a lifestyle conducive to remaining strong, mobile, and in good health for as long as possible. Interventions include nutrition/diet, exercise education and training, habits, and lifestyle. A home safety assessment is also provided to prevent falls, etc.

* We are currently limiting this program offering due to expense and lack of funding.
Program Successes
We have many. Older adults generally relate they have more energy, are able to sleep better, have better mental health, and generally feel better about their lives.
Health Care  - Preventative Health 
Elderly and/or Disabled
Long-term Success
Strength and mobility for a lifetime
Short-term Success
Increased strength, increased nutrition, better habits, prevention of injury, rehabilitation from physical issues
Program Success Monitored By
Currently, office notes, verbal client feedback, text, and email are the primary monitoring mechanisms. We are currently developing client feedback written and online forms to better assess ongoing program success.

Program Areas Served
Davidson County, TN, Williamson County, TN

CEO/Executive Director/Board Comments

With our proposed Community Demonstration Project, we feel we have a huge opportunity to meet a massive community need by providing one-on-one and small group preventive health solutions directly in a public setting.

Most current preventive health interventions are counseling or virtual based and have had minimal effect considering the obesity rate and chronic health conditions continue to increase. Wealthy people regularly use the services of Nutritionists, Health & Life Coaches, Mental Health Counselors, Concierge Medical Doctor Services, Personal Trainers, etc. Less well-off people simply can't afford these services and this is exactly the population this program will reach using specific referral sources. The gap in life expectancy between the richest 1% and poorest 1% of individuals was 14.6 years! (14.4 to 14.8 years) for men and 10.1 years for women.,Second%2C%20inequality%20in%20life%20expectancy%20increased%20over%20time.

Our programs basically provide a "medical personal trainer" directly to those in need. This assistance literally changes lives - the obese teen who with self esteem issues, the adult facing new prescriptions for chronic health conditions, the older adult who wishes to remain mobile and active for as long as possible. There are so many who benefit.

Covid-19 prevented the full implementation of our programs as they are all in-person provided but as we are moving out of the pandemic phase, there is an even greater need now than ever before. We are currently providing some fee for service interventions in our Nashville office location, but we would like to achieve full funding for our programs by Fall 2022 in order to provide entirely free services to those in need.