Mid-South Liver Alliance
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5421 Hwy 100 Ste 58211
Nashville, TN 37205
Organization Details
Recognizing the need for more education on liver disease in the Mid-South we are committed to improving, educating, advocating, and supporting children, adults' and families affected by Chronic Liver Disease in the mid-south states of TN, AL, KY, MS, AR and LA.
As a non-profit, Mid-South Liver Alliance relies on donors and grants to support the mission with liver patients. All funds are used to further educational and outreach activities within our member states of Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Within our area of the United States, we understand that liver disease will strike approximately 1 in every 4 people, and we recognize that within our states, there are lifestyle and access to healthcare issues that leave people more at-risk for liver disease and undiagnosed or untreated liver disease. Our goal is to help get the word out on NAFLD/NASH and on chronic liver disease in general. Our Medical Advisory board is made up of 8 of the 11 transplant centers that are located in our 6 states. The transplant centers typically house hepatologists, as many people with chronic liver disease end up needing a transplant to make their liver healthy.
The non-profit Mid-South Liver Alliance understands that liver patients are complex patients in a primary practice setting, often with multiple diagnostic treatment needs associated with liver disease. And it is understood that the rural nature of many of our participating states and the lack of funding associated with the political decisions associated with having not expanded Medicaid leaves many residents without care or with poor access to care.
It is the goal of Mid-South Liver Alliance to develop a network of community-based volunteers who are trained and ready to assist liver patients with education, transportation to and from healthcare appointments and to work with the state's advocacy efforts in educating elected officials.
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In addition to funding, how can someone support your organization?
Mid South Liver Alliance is the only organization providing education, advocacy and support services and research for the prevention, treatment and cure of liver disease in TN, AL, KY, MS, AR, and LA. Donate now through Giving Matters; visit our website; or call our local office. If you would like to include us in your will , join the Mid South Liver Alliance Society.

Other ways to support would include: making gifts of stock, giving while you shop through Amazon Smile, or e-bay for charity, or volunteering your time for programs and events. The agency is small and relies on volunteers to help us with educational and advocacy opportunities. We work closely with Global Liver Institute on National advocacy and need everyone to help us push important national legislation like the Liver Act and the NASH act with their Washington representatives. This year we are watching the Bill that the President has put on the table to eliminate HepC. If you are interested in getting information to share with your legislators on this important bill, please let me know. For more information contact Teresa Davidson.

The Mid South Liver Alliance will be doing a Liver Wellness Walk this spring and would love to have volunteers to help us get the word out in all of our states.

Organization Information
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Executive Director/CEO
Teresa Davidson
Board Chair
Chris Oubre
Year of Incorporation