The Nashville Singers, Inc.
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4636 Lebanon Pike, #162
Hermitage, TN 37076
Organization Details
The mission of Nashville Singers is to enrich lives through singing and the support of music education.
What type of in-kind donations do you accept and when are these donations most helpful?
Laptop computer for office and box office use
iPad or tablet to capture guest information or use at the box office for events
Costume dry cleaning services
Storage for risers, costumes and chorus property
A lockable trailer for transporting risers and costumes to and from performances
Donated outdoor billboard advertising
Airline vouchers converted from frequent flyer accounts (for bringing in "out of town" performance and choreography coaches)
Catering services for large or small events
Flowers and plants for events and stage decoration
Combination color laser printer/copier/scanner
Venue space such as ballrooms, restaurants, halls and atria for receptions and event
An AED (automated external defibrillation) for installation at our rehearsal venue, including peripheral equipment costs and training

In addition to funding, how can someone support your organization?
• Volunteer - People of all ages and backgrounds are needed to serve as an usher for concerts, special events, social activities, concert production, public relations, marketing, fundraising, general assistance/office. We'll find the job to match your skills and the time you have to give.
• Buy Nashville Singers Logo Merchandise - Whether it is for you or a gift for a friend, loved one, or family members, revenue from the sale of our merchandise plays a vital role in subsidizing our chorus operations.
• Advertise Your Business - Many opportunities exist to promote your business via the 100,000 electronic newsletters we distribute each year, on our website which attracts 10,000 visitors annually, or in our concert program or annual report.
• Hire Nashville Singers to Perform at Your Next Special Event - Fees earned from performances usually cover just 10-20% of our annual budget. Providing wholesome, family-friendly entertainment is at the heart of what we do.
• Sponsor an Event or School - Bring greater awareness to your business, align your brand with a good cause.
• Make an In-Kind Donation - In-kind donations reduce our operating expenses each year. A wish list of products and services we are seeking can be found on our website.
• Make a Donation - While donations are making a bigger impact in recent years, increasing these donations can help us expand the reach of our programs. You can make a restricted gift to support a specific program or an unrestricted gift that can help support current funding priorities.
• Participate in our Annual Giving Program - Individual or annual gifts can be made in honor of or in memory of individuals. An acknowledgement notice can be sent to the individual or the family.
• Legacy Gifts - Consider including Nashville Singers, Inc. in your will or estate plan. For more information, visit or call 615-669-8633

Organization Information
Executive Director/CEO
Todd Wilson
Board Chair
Michael Thornton
Year of Incorporation