Special Kids
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2132 E. Main Street
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
Organization Details
Special Kids is a nonprofit outpatient pediatric therapy and skilled nursing facility with a mission to serve Jesus Christ by caring for His children who have special healthcare needs. We serve children from birth through age 21 with a wide variety of diagnoses and medical complexities, ranging from medically fragile, developmentally delayed to typically developing children. Special Kids, a Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation facility, offers speech, occupational, physical, and feeding therapies in addition to daytime pediatric skilled nursing care.
Nursing Prom Week
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Special Kids Golfers
Special Kids Race
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In addition to funding, how can someone support your organization?
The Development Team at Special Kids has many opportunities for you to get involved by volunteering, donating, or attending an event. We host several special events where you can volunteer on a committee, serve as a volunteer on the day of the event, or simply attend the event as a participant. We also have many different ways to donate to Special Kids, including leading a small fundraiser with friends, making a financial donation monthly by sponsoring our 'ONE Change' program, giving through your business, or inviting Special Kids to apply for a grant through your foundation. If you are interested in volunteering on a weekly basis, you can work with our Volunteer Coordinator, Toni Laubacher, to see where Special Kids could best use your talents and time.

Organization Information
Executive Director/CEO
Chris Truelove
Board Chair
Elizabeth Smith
Year of Incorporation