United Cerebral Palsy of Middle TN
Our guiding vision is to realize a fully inclusive community, where people with disabilities have access and opportunity to achieve their fullest potential; a community where they and their families realize the promise of integration, self-direction, and quality of life choices.
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What type of in-kind donations do you accept and when are these donations most helpful?
UCP accepts durable medical equipment, therapeutic equipment and essential hygiene supplies in our Equipment Exchange Program. We accept lumber and building supplies in our Wheelchair Ramp construction program. In our Sports and Recreation Program and Family Support Program, we seek items such as pizza, snacks and cookies for special events. We accept gifts of staple food items, blankets, socks and grocery certificates for our Holiday Boxes for needy families. We seek a number of items such as vacation packages, restaurant certificates and other gifts for our fundraising event auctions. We also accept donations of office supplies and equipment. In addition to funding, how can someone support your organization?
Checks can be sent to: UCP of Middle Tennessee, 1200 9th Avenue North, Suite 110, Nashville TN 37208. You can also give real estate, appreciated stocks, or in-kind gifts such as durable medical equipment (wheelchairs, tub transfer benches, etc.), hygiene supplies, and other essentials that will be distributed to people in need. If you would like to give any of these items, or if you want to contribute your time, contact our Executive Director Deana Claiborne deana_claiborne@ucpnashville.org (615-242-4091) about ways you can become directly involved in wheelchair ramp building, special events and other UCP activities.Organization Information
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Executive Director/CEO
Deana Claiborne
Board Chair
Mark (Randy) Brown
Year of Incorporation
Link to Donation Registry
Link to Holiday Giving Drive