Aspen Tree Ministries
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PO Box 293270
Nashville, TN 37229
Organization Details

Executive Director

Executive Director Rev. Dr. Diana DeWitt
Term Start December 2012
Diana's Experience: Rev. Dr. Diana M. DeWitt has been in pastoral ministry since 1996, serving as an ordained elder in the Tennessee Conference of the United Methodist Church. She has held various leadership roles throughout the Tennessee Conference, which include Evangelism, Chairperson of Worship, and is currently the Chairperson of Spiritual Formation. Dr. DeWitt has traveled and ministered globally through Karuna Ministries in northern India, and also in Brazil and Mexico. Diana received her Bachelor of Science degree from Middle Tennessee State University. She received a Master of Education and a Master of Divinity from Vanderbilt University. Diana's doctoral research was in the area of Transformational Leadership, receiving her Doctor of Ministry from Ashland Theological Seminary, Ashland Ohio. Dr. DeWitt brings to the Board her passion for sharing the Gospel so that persons might enter into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and experience the transforming power of His Presence. She has a particular passion to see pastors set free from the wounds and demands of ministry, empowering them to more effectively live into their calling, which will make an eternal difference in the lives of people in the congregations and communities in which they serve. Her love for God and love for others shapes and defines her life and ministry.


Full Time Staff 0
Part Time Staff 0
Volunteers 3
Contractors 0
Retention Rate 0%

Plans & Policies

Does your organization have a Fundraising Plan? Yes
Does your organization have a Strategic Plan? Yes
Years Strategic Plan Considers 5
When was the Strategic Plan adopted? January 2016
Does your organization have a Management Succession Plan? No
Does your organization have a Policy and Procedure Plan? Yes
Does the organization have a Nondiscrimination Policy? Yes
Does the organization have a Whistle Blower Policy?
Does the organization have a Document Destruction Policy?


Is there a formal evaluation for... Frequency (if applicable)
CEO/Executive Director Yes Annually
Senior Management No
Non-Management No