The West End Connection
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370 S Lowe Ave #A246
Cookeville, TN 38501
Organization Details



Preserving the rich history of this community. Connecting with one another for the betterment of West End while fostering new relationships with our neighbors.


This organization was physically formed in 2021 but has been on the hearts and minds of many for decades. There was a time not so long ago that this feat would have been next to impossible. And many other organizations and groups have tried and failed. This time the stars have all aligned, and the players are all on the same page. And just like that the West End Connection was born. All members of this group have a common goal: Love and respect for the place we call home. No matter how far away we are physically, our respect for West End is never too far from our thoughts. And we will always work to improve and preserve it.


We have accomplished many things this past year!
1. Successful formation of a nonprofit organization
2. Assisting neighborhood families with providing donated school supplies via our Back to School Bash in July
3. Successfully raised enough money for the programs we implemented in such a short time of 6 months!

Goals for 2022!
1. Pay homage to the students who attended Darwin School for colored children. These brave young men and women chose to attend school despite adversity at every turn. They rose early each morning and many were bussed in from the surrounding counties to attend the only school for black students within 4 counties. Many took a decade to graduate due to family obligations, lack of transportation and being sent off to war. This school was active from 1928-1963 before it was burned to the ground. These students never had a sense of closure, never got to say goodbye to their peers due to the sudden destruction of their beloved building as it was never rebuilt. We have chosen to give them a reunion celebration that they will not soon forget. As they deserve.
Also, we have scheduled a 5k "Darwin Dash " run on Memorial Day 2022. This will be held within the perimeter of the former school.

2. Community Garden and building of planter boxes in West End to supplement the food shortage in the community.
3. Fully funded Summer Program including educational, art, cultural, and sports events
4. Another successful Back To School Bash
5. We now have a viable location for a new community center, right across the street from the former one, also on the Darwin site, and that was also destroyed by fire. We just need to raise funds to make it happen!


Our most pressing need is financial. The best way to carry out our mission is replacing our community center that burned over 30 years ago. It was a temporary facility provided by the City/County government. But the temporary facility became permanent. Until it burned. Since then the park has been neglected and ignored until concerned citizens decide to speak up about it. The city/county is open to replacing the community center but we must come up with funds to help. The city is not willing to take on the cost alone. This way, our programs can continue inside a shelter when the weather will not allow us to be outside. Currently, There is a covered shelter but it still isn't enough. The cost of a facility could range anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000. The one we had was a portable building but it was enough to store equipment, to cover us in case of bad weather, and for indoor arts and craft like classes. Each program we have in place requires its own financing, and administrative costs. We would also need financing for internet and devices to use during the summer programs for the kids out of school. This would cost approximately $3500.00. Our entire summer program cost $5000.

CEO Statement

Our organization is just one of many that has arisen over the years, headed by African Americans in this historical community. I can recall at least a dozen. But they all failed, and what makes this one unique is that none of the other groups have made it as far as we have! The community has been genuinely impressed by what we have accomplished in less than one year. With proper funding, there's no limit to how much we could help this community!

Board Chair Statement

No President ever in history can take credit for all successes/and or failures of an organization. Instead a great leader looks to his/her team. I chose a great team! We have our challenges, of course, we are human. But I credit this group with remaining respectful to one another even when we have disagreements. One of our biggest challenges has been finding the time to all meet. We are all busy, have families, jobs, etc. so finding the time (at the same time) to meet has been a challenge.

Service Categories

Primary Category: Community Improvement, Capacity Building  - Community & Neighborhood Development 
Secondary Category: Arts, Culture & Humanities  - Historical Societies & Historic Preservation 
Tertiary Category: Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy  - Civil Rights, Social Action, & Advocacy N.E.C. 

Areas Served

West Cookeville, TN
West End

TN - Putnam